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Tears; The blood of the soul, when the soul bleeds, we cry.

Lachlan and Shaun ducked their heads in to say goodbye and reiterate they'd be home by twelve and if we needed anything just to text them. We told them once again we would be fine here tonight.
Then we waited a solid 30min before getting up taking off my dressing gowns and sprinting down the stairs, out the back patio past the pool and onto the beach front. It was a 20 min walk down the beach until we reached the skate park where we saw a few boys we from our school. We gave them a wave and continued on our way knowing they wouldn't speak to us if we stopped. Then another 15 min of walking and we finally reached the tracks of the abandoned railway station which had been turned into a common hang out spot for teenagers in our small town.
V pulled her cigarettes out of her backpack. I couldn't stand the smell but V always insisted she'd read somewhere smoking nicotine can increase the ability to avoid losing memory as an old person. She always cracked me up with her conspiracy theories. She had too much time on her hands. When I was off training at the ice-rink she's usually at home searching the web for the latest information on the effects of using toothpaste long term and the repercussions of coming in contact with fluoride twice daily in small doses and how that builds up over a lifetime. She is always switching for natural alternatives, looking out for her future self. I on the other hand indulged in all the sweet, sweet  21 century luxuries of face masks, skincare, SPF50 and teeth whitening.
We couldn't be more opposite if we tried but that's why we loved each-other. Opposites attract and we were never lost for conversation or the quiet comforts of silence in her company whilst she researched the web and I read fairy tales.

We bought a few snacks, watermelon, grapes, yoghurt and plain popcorn. Once we'd chatted about everything from the new song I learnt on piano, the tickets we got to the new Selena Gomez concert and what outfits we're going to wear. We both agreed that our first crush was peter pan from the live action when we were kids. We insisted that we both needed to get out in the sun tomorrow because our tans weren't up to scratch to return to school on Friday. Then V said she needed to let me try put lemon in my hair to naturally lighten my blonde hair in the sun because her dark brown wouldn't show. Of course I agreed because I trust V with my life and she sounded so excited and once she gets an idea in her head it's very difficult to talk your way out of that idea not springing to life. We both started yawning and I went over to the old piano sitting up against the wall whilst V laid down on the nasty old couch lying in the centre of the room.

"Hey Phe play me something depressing babes, I need mood music" she had her eyes closed and I knew in her head she was playing a movie of all the moments she'd shared with STD the past 3 months.

I sat at the piano and stuck a few random notes to check the tune. It wasn't great but I'd be able to play a song. The keys took a little extra force to push them down and they were no longer weighted. I pictured awakening a family of rats living inside and when I began to play they would all scurry out around my feet. So I tucked my feet up under my bum and wrapped my white daisy sundress up and tucked it in between my bum and legs so no little rats would scurry up under the fabric.

I begin to play Bella's lullaby from twilight because it's the one tune I know without sheet music. Knox had been right V and I were both team Edward back in the day. We loved our sparkling vamp, so I'd learnt the Bella's lullaby that winter.
Once I finished playing, we packed up our containers and started heading back home it was 11:00 so we had an hour to get home, shower, get changed and get into bed before the boys got there.
As we headed back past the skate park they guys from earlier had left and a few motor bikes were in their place in the car park. V nudged closer to me and pointed to an illegal fire they'd lit on the beach. Then we noticed how much older than us they looked. Some began to cat call and whistle at us. I pulled on V's arm and decided we shouldn't take the path of the beach home. Instead we walked along the street, it was a good 15 min longer which was going to make us cut it really close but better safe than sorry.

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