"Alright, Ya ready?"
You nodded at Merciless, the both of you standing on the high dark building of the Union Military Command building.
As from your old mission, (Where you tripped and fell) you remember a female blonde receptionist who had worked there, 5 minutes she would receive papers to send to the Day's office and have a chit-chat with them for half an hour or so.
You probably remember her because of that one time you bumped into her and spilled her cup of coffee on herself, where you ended up getting called many... Many... slurs. Till then you hated that stupid look on her face.
As for now, the receptionist had gotten up with the papers in hand going to deliver them to the office. With this, You snook in. Your appearance slowly changed into an appearance of a Day's civilian, with white hair, green eyes, and the usual uniform of a civilian.
With every turn of a corner, You would ask Merciless for help with what was happening since he had a monitor of every security camera in the area. But he really didn't do anything, he just read some porn magazines the whole time.
The only reason Merciless had to watch over you was because of Horrid who had thought of you as a child who was mindlessly walking through a minefield, and that you might do something stupid again and fucked the whole thing up.
"CX5287" was the serial number of the Day's Guard that you had to take over, meaning that this number could be placed on a door or a locker somewhere.
As you enter the building of The Union's Military, you come across a hallway. No, not just any kind of hallway. A hallway with hundreds, maybe thousands of lockers placed in the hall.
"Goddesses, how the fuck am I gonna find that serial number?"
In every room in the hallway, hundreds of lockers can be found with plated serial numbers on them, DB238... PQ103... Nothing even close to CX5287.
You tapped the mic on your neck alerting Merciless, "How the hell am I gonna find the locker? There are thousands of lockers scattered around here."
"I don't know man, just find it."
You only continued walking through the hallway, scoffing at what Merciless had said.
"Gee, what BIG fucking help. Big ass hallway with stupid ass lockers—"
"Excuse me, Are you alright?"
A tall man stood in the way of the hallway, his uniform consisted of a black collar and trench coat, embroidered with golden laces on the sleeves and hem. The man wore a hat with golden laces and a singular green circle on the center of the hat, with a white half mask.
You stopped and looked up...
at the sight of The Supreme Leader.
"Haha, you are fucked." You hear Merciless laugh through your earpiece.
End of Chapter 3, I might post Chapter 4 soon
just if this book is recognized since the DU fandom is dead LMFAO

THE NIGHT OF THE DAY / Great_Day X Night; Reader
FanficElusive_Night, A Night Operative for the Night Coalition who comes to The Days Union as a counterspy where they must take over the position of the Supreme Leader's Guard without being caught. Fanfiction based on the Roblox Myth/ARG; The Days Union...