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The both of you stared at each other in silence. You could almost hear your heart pound out of your body. 

Oh fuck, you were done for.

"I supposed you're a new recruit, Aren't you?" The tall man looked down at you.

"... Affirmative, Sir."

It took a while for you to fit in with how the Civilians of the Days Union spoke to their Leader.

"Do you have anything you need help with?"

As he spoke to you, The Supreme Leader's dark, low and loud voice boomed through the hallway. You felt like you were gonna shit yourself.

"Yeah, My.. uhm, Locker. I couldn't find it because of how big this hallway is... Haha.."

You only chuckled, looking at the Supreme leader who didn't look surprised at all.

"...Apologies. My serial number is CX5287."

"Ah, I recognize you. You are a Sovereign Shield, Correct?"

"Uhh.. Affirmate, sir."

"Well... you passed by your locker, it is only a few rooms away. Let me show you where it is."

The Tall man then led you into a room where your locker was on the right of the entrance, the locker showing a sign of "CX5287".

"Don't forget, Room 32. Alright?"

"Affirmate, sir." Godesses, you've said this phrase 3 times already.

"Since you are in charge of being with me, may I know your name?"

Your eyes widened, the fact you started to panic from how you still haven't made up a civilian name for yourself.

"E... Ez... Eziah. You can call me Eziah!"

Elusive could hear Merciless facepalm himself through the earpiece from how ridiculous the name was.

(Honestly, I couldn't think of anything. You can change the name with a POV replacer.)

"Eziah huh? I've never heard that kind of name before.

"Yet have I! Haha...Ha..."

It became silent once again. Jeez, How could you even fuck up with one single conversation? 

"I will be leaving now, Nice meeting you." 

"Y-You too."

The Supreme Leader then proceeded to leave the hallway. with you standing in shock, he disappeared in a blink of an eye.

You stopped and wondered about everything that you just said to the Leader.

"Eziah? What kind of person is named Eziah?" you mumbled through your breath.

"Yeah, real stupid name." Merciless speaks through the earpiece again, But you only groaned.

"Try fucking helping me next time, I almost died on the spot."

You then opened the locker that you finally found, the only things in it were a moldy sandwich, a two-page document about an apartment, and a note.

This was what was written on the note.

This was what was written on the note

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"Damn, we killed an artist." You said amazed by the dick and little stickmen drawn on the note.

Wait, No, Fuck that. The Day of Employment is only 2 days away.

"Merciless?" You tapped on your earpiece to alert Merciless.

... No response.


You swore you could have heard the sound of a magazine being ruffled at the other end.


You heard Merciless scramble to put his earpiece back on.

"Shit! Okay, okay... What the fuck do you want?"

"What do I have to do next?" You asked him, You remember Horrid explaining the whole plan to you 5 times, but you never remembered if there was a plan AFTER the plan.

"I mean, the guard we killed probably has an apartment around right? Just stay there for the whole mission." You heard Merciless grab the magazine once again and shuffle through the pages.

"Wait– Are you telling me that I have to stay here for a week?"

"Didn't Horrid tell you that?"


You shouted the sound of your voice echoed through the hallway.

"Uh Huh. That's why you always gotta listen to him."

You grabbed the 2-page document that was stored in the locker and looked through the pages.

The document showed the address of the apartment that was owned by the guard. Yet it was only 5 months due to rent.

"Fuck. Whatever. At least I'm done for the day."

THE NIGHT OF THE DAY / Great_Day X Night; ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now