chapter one

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      Crunch. Pull. Chew. My eyes fluttered shut in pure bliss as I savored each delicious bite of the freshly baked bread clutched in my hand. It was the epitome of delight, a symphony of flavors dancing on my tongue. With a contented sigh, I relished the moment, completely lost in the sheer ecstasy of devouring such a delectable treat.

      A thought pulled me back to reality. My rucksack, heavy with an abundance of food, had become an unwieldy load, too heavy to make it across the Parapet. It eventually became time to lighten the load.

      Earlier, while queuing for the Riders Quadrant, I had managed to sneak in a hearty slab of leftover chicken. It had provided a momentary calm from the anticipation that hung in the air. But as we embarked on the climb up the stairs, I seized the opportunity to savor a comforting bowl of warm soup I had prepared sealed in a container. The steam rising from the bowl had puzzled me at the time, but one glance at the clear sky gave me my answer - the scorching heat of the sun had effortlessly kept my soup at the perfect temperature.

      Reflecting on the sweltering conditions, I couldn't help but remember the days spent in my village in the scorching heat smoking various meats for winter. Apparently, the blistering heat was nothing compared to the storm that had tested the first years the previous year. In comparison, this scorching heat was a mere inconvenience, a challenge I was more than capable of conquering.

      With renewed confidence, I took another bite of the heavenly bread, savouring it as best I could. I adjusted my rucksack and forged ahead. As I ascended to the top of the Parapet, lost in the moment, I failed to notice that I had already reached the top.

      "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" Suddenly, a commanding voice shattered my daze. I turned to face a tall, striking figure with handsome features and a crown of brown hair. Perplexed, I took another bite of my bread.

      Confusion etched across my face, I scanned the surroundings, searching for any signs of the person that he might be addressing. I glanced in every direction, my gaze darting across the riders taking names and the soon-to-be riders behind me.

      To my surprise, I realized that his piercing gaze was directed at me. "Yes, I'm talking to you," he replied, his frown deepening. Suddenly, a dark-skinned rider, holding a roll bearing the names of those crossing the Parapet, stepped forward, her presence commanding attention.

      "Hey, Wingleader, would you calm down," she interjected, her voice laced with authority. I startled, letting out an involuntary squeak, and hastened to swallow my bite of bread in record time. My clenched fist, which had been clutching the loaf of bread, instinctively slammed against my chest, just above my heart, producing a resonant thud.

      With a burst of enthusiasm, I exclaimed, "Ashtyn Riorson from Cairngorms village at your service, reporting for duty, sir!" The Wingleader's eyes widened in shock, while the other riders behind him furrowed their brows, exchanging perplexed glances.

      "He has a sister?" The Wingleader turned his back to me and faced the other cadets. My jaw clenched at the reminder of my brother.

      "Uh..." one of the female riders began, turning towards the rider holding the roll, as if she was seeking some form of clarification. Or as if she was deciding whether to answer him or not. She possessed an undeniable beauty, petite in stature, with a cascade of dull brown hair that gracefully transitioned into silver at the ends of her intricate braid. The dark-skinned rider observed the scene with an amused smirk playing on her lips.

      "You don't have to be so formal, and I'd put that away if I were you." she quipped, gesturing towards the bread tightly clutched in my hand. My eyes widened as I surveyed the expansive stretch of the Parapet before me. Hastily, I brought the bread to my mouth, devouring it with an almost alarming speed, taking large mouthfuls at a time and swallowing it al down. With a relieved sigh, I wiped the crumbs from my face, acutely aware of the lingering gazes from those around me.

      The dark-skinned girl erupted into laughter, her voice ringing out melodiously. "Good luck, Ashtyn Riorson," she chimed, inscribing my name onto the roll. "I'm Rhiannon. We're Second Squad, Flame Section, Fourth Wing, come find me once you've made it across," she added, playfully winking in my direction. I stood there, gaping in astonishment, before finally mustering the courage to swallow and take my first step onto the Parapet.

      There was one of two ways I could do this: The first option was to proceed cautiously, ensuring that I didn't make any missteps or errors along the way. The second option, however, involved sprinting with all my might. Considering the possibility of someone growing impatient behind me and abruptly pushing me aside, I found myself leaning heavily towards the latter choice.

      However, the few brain cells I possessed decided to make themselves useful and I decided that it would be an embarrassing way to die if I suddenly face planted before falling a million feet to my death. I swiftly made up my mind without further ado - I decided to match the pace of the rider in front of me.

      And so, I took my first few steps onto the Parapet.

      So far, everything had been going smoothly, with only a few instances where I stumbled and felt a surge of anxiety in my chest. Yet, despite these moments, I managed to maintain pace with the rider ahead of me, matching her steps effortlessly. She was a fair distance away, her blonde hair shining in the sunlight. I was pretty sure there had been a rider who went before me who had stumbled and fallen off. Thankfully, I didn't have to witness it. Then again, I'm probably going to witness worse things from this moment on.

      A gasp made me pause in my steps and my gaze snap up. The rider ahead of me had slipped. She cursed and grabbed onto the ledge, but her balance was off and she fell. Her hands grabbed a hold of the ledge while her lower body dangled.

      I was vaguely aware of the commotion behind me, but my attention was solely focused on the rider. Without thinking, my body propelled itself forward, sprinting towards her. Just seconds before reaching her, my hand instinctively reached for the dagger at my side, tightly gripping it in my palm. As I swiftly bent down, I slid on the stone surface, perfectly timing my movement to catch her hand as she plummeted. However, I couldn't keep both our bodies on the Parapet, maintaining our balance proved to be a challenge.

      In a desperate attempt to save our lives, I plunged my dagger into a groove in the stone, using it as an anchor. With half of my body hanging precariously over the edge, the rider's weight threatened to drag us both down.

      "Try not to move! Understand!?" I yelled at her, my voice reverberating so loudly that even those dead at the bottom of the Parapet could hear. Wide-eyed, she stared up at me, her hand clutching mine with equal intensity.

      The air around us grew still as everyone paused, their eyes fixated on our perilous predicament. What was unfolding before them was unprecedented in the history of dragon riding - a rider saving another on the Parapet. The teachings ingrained in us were always about self-preservation and the relentless pursuit of strength. But deep down, I knew that the kind of rider, the kind of person, I wanted to be went beyond those lessons.

      As our grip tightened, defying the laws of gravity, I made a silent vow to challenge the conventional wisdom and rewrite the history of dragon riding. It was a choice that defined me, a choice that shaped the kind of rider and person I was going to become.

Also I REALLY hope that the thing I did at the end there hasn't been done in someone else's fanfic before 🙌🏻  If it is I'm so sorry 😞 but I just thought it could be a cool idea . And I'm sure there are other fics who gave Xaden a sister but I wanted to give my own spin on it !,

So fun fact! The name "Cairngorms" (the name I decided to use for Ashtyn's village) is actually a place you can go hunting in Scotland, called "The Cairngorms National Park" According to the website I found it "is one of the UK's largest and most beautiful national parks. It covers an area of over 4,528 km² and is home to some of the best roe deer hunting in Scotland. The park is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and abundant wildlife, and it's the perfect destination for hunters who want to experience the beauty of Scotland's countryside."

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