chapter four

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It's been three long days since Xaden came to visit Basgiath, and during that time, I haven't said a single word to Sloane. I found myself at a loss for what to say to her, or even how to begin apologizing for the thoughtless things I had said. The guilt weighed heavily on my conscience, knowing just how insensitive and selfish I was. It was cruel of me for ranting to her about my brother when I knew how much she missed hers.

With a heavy heart, I approached Sloane, slowly closing the distance between us. She stood there, her eyes nervously scanning one of the twenty mats that stretched across the massive gym on the first floor of the academic wing. Like the rest of us, she awaited her turn to be called, the anticipation hanging in the air. Thankfully, our squad leader, Rhiannon, who had vouched for me on Conscription Day, managed to negotiate extra sparring time for all the first-years in our squad. We were to face off against some members from Third Wing, as well as a few from our own squad, all in the name of team building or whatever.

"Okay," Rhiannon's voice carried across the gym as she surveyed us, "Let's have... Ashtyn and Aaric up next on this mat here."

Sloane's eyes widened, and in an instant, they locked onto mine. "What?" I whispered, caught off-guard by the sudden turn of events.

"Aaric was my opponent on Assessment Day," she responded nervously. I swallowed hard, suppressing the rush of excitement at the prospect of us finally speaking again. I casted my gaze across the gym, searching for my opponent, until my eyes settled on a figure getting up from his position lounging on the floor.

I vaguely remembered catching glimpses of him before, but I haven't really paid much attention to him until now. He possessed a well-built physique, with a strong chin and a square jawline adorned with light brown scruff. In terms of height, he stood at a similar level as Xaden and appeared to tower about 5 inches above Sloane. His sandy-brown hair fell gracefully and when it came to attractiveness... oh my, it should be a sin to be that stunning. Especially in that moment, as he confidently strode towards the mat.

Awesome, fantastic. At least I have someone nice to look at as I die...

His presence exuded a certain aura of strength and capability, as if he could effortlessly snap my neck without a second thought. That's precisely why, as I joined him on the mat, I quickly ensured that Rhiannon wasn't watching before extending my hand for a handshake. "No need for theatrics, right? It's just a friendly sparring session, so feel free to take it easy on me, okay?"

He scrutinized my outstretched hand with raised eyebrows before extending his own to shake it. Suddenly, to my sheer astonishment and terror, his grip tightened, and he forcefully thrust his back against my front, swiftly flipping me over his shoulder. With an audible thud, I crash-landed on the unforgiving mat, the impact reverberating through my body. Before I could regain my bearings, he seized me in a suffocating chokehold.

"Asshole," I managed to grunt as his bicep constricted around my throat, making it increasingly difficult to breathe. My legs flailed desperately, searching for any semblance of escape.

"For Riorson's sister, I expected more from you. It's actually quite disappointing." he remarked, his words caressing my hair.

"Fuck you!" I exclaimed through gritted teeth, my hand frantically tapping the mat in surrender. "I'm tapping out," I forced out, my voice strained.

"Um," Rhiannon frowned, her expression filled with disappointment. "Ashtyn, you really need to put up more of a fight during sparring. This isn't just some casual exercise; it's an opportunity to train and learn something valuable." Her hand gestured wildly as she spoke. "Start again."

𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐑, iron flameWhere stories live. Discover now