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CalumH: wait

LukeH: what

CalumH: but

CalumH: how

CalumH: I don't understand

LukeH: I like you

CalumH: how

LukeH: we've been talking for three months, idiot.

CalumH: I know that, Hemmings

LukeH: and some people realize they like each other in just two minutes, well I needed two months

CalumH: you knew you liked me for a month and you didn't tell me

CalumH: ass

CalumH: hole

LukeH: When we meet yours will be sore ;)

CalumH: o

CalumH: m

CalumH: fûcking

CalumH: God

CalumH: you are a top?!

LukeH: yeah ;)

CalumH: stop that winky face

LukeH: ;)

CalumH: stop it

LukeH: ;)


LukeH: wait

LukeH: don't leave me Cal!

LukeH: I neeeeeeeeed youuuuuuuu

LukeH: Calum Thomas Hood

CalumH: how in the hell do you know my middle name

LukeH: you tooollddddd me

CalumH: when

LukeH: idk, but I remember

CalumH: that's cute

CalumH: maybe we should Skype or FaceTime

LukeH: uh

CalumH: don't you want to? :(


LukeH: of course I want to, but it's just..

CalumH: what

LukeH: what if you don't like my voice or some shizz

CalumH: I'm sure I'll love your voice

LukeH: fine, what about tomorrow

CalumH: yeah, FaceTime me whenever you want to, I'm free tomorrow

LukeH: okay, I'll call you in the afternoon because homework and school

CalumH: understood

LukeH: school really sucks bro

CalumH: I know

LukeH: what were you in school? Were you popular?

CalumH: I was in this huge group of friends and we were all very close and stuff, but yeah I lost contact with all of them. I wasn't popular but at some point I was the boyfriend of the most popular boy in school, and yeah I got popular because of that.

LukeH: I don't even have friends

CalumH: you have your mum and dad, and me

LukeH: you're more than a friend for me cal

CalumH: aw

LukeH: goodnight, cal x <3

CalumH: goodnight Luke x <3

I hope you guys like this and I'm sorry but I'm losing inspiration for this story and help me! Please! I'm begging you!

Bye x

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