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Today is the day, Luke thinks as he opens his eyes. He jumps out of his bed, grabbing the clothes he picked last night. It's just simple ripped skinny jeans and a grey sweater. Luke sighs as he puts on his sweater, he hisses at his scars.

While the blond is getting ready, Calum is on his plane. "Are you sure that we're in Sydney on time?" He asks the stewardess for the tenth time. She rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed. She nods and then walks away, maybe hoping for someone who isn't insane.

"Luke! Stop jumping around and eat your pancakes!" His mum yells at Luke and Luke sighs, getting into his seat and stabbing his fork into his pancake. His mum cheers cause she celebrates victory and Luke's dad just grumbles.

"I don't get why that boy can't get a hotel!? Maybe he's a pedophile." His dad says, and Luke sighs. He chews on his pancake, before he speaks.

"He's not a pedophile, I've seen him!" Luke snaps, and his dad raises his eyebrows.

"Don't get that attitude with me, or that boy won't stay here!" His dad stomps out of the room, and his mum rolls his eyes.

"He's just worried that Calum will end up leaving you too." His mum whispers and Luke nods. He just hopes that his dad will like Calum.

"Sir, could you please put your phone away? We are landing in 15 minutes." Calum sighs but puts his phone away. He could just continue his game of candy crush for the next ten minutes but okay. He alumna back in his seat, and then a baby starts crying. Calum groans and puts his head in his hands. He had to listen 15 minutes to a baby crying.

"Why isn't he here yet?! What if the plane crashed, mum?!" Luke yells and immediately regrets it. Calum isn't here yet and his plane hasn't landed yet. It's been one minute over time, but Luke is still worried. "Calm down Luke! He will be- Turn around Luke." Luke raises his eyebrows at his mums words, but does what she said.

There he is. About 150 meters away from Luke, and he's looking him right in the eyes. Calum spreads his arms, and Luke doesn't hesitate to start running.

And then he feels them, the strong arms who kept him safe for about four months now. He wraps his legs around Calum's waist, and Calum sighs happily, hugging the blond boy he's been crushing on for four months.

"I can't believe you are here."

"I can't either Luke."

"I'm so happy."

"I'm happy I can make you happy."

Happy tears come from Luke's eyes, and Calum who is still holding the blond boy who is hugging him like his life depends on it, feels the tears in his neck.

"Hey, don't cry, love. I'm here for you."

"God, that nickname sounds even better in real life."

A/N: they met. I feel like this is shitty but ok.


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