First Messages.

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CalumH: Hey!

LukeH: Who the hell are you

CalumH: I'm Calum, you?

LukeH: Why do you message me without knowing me?

CalumH: Because I can, now what's your name

LukeH: I'm not telling you. Leave me alone. I'm going to ignore you.

CalumH: Well damn, someone is on his period.

LukeH: Guys don't have periods, dumbass.

CalumH: You're a dude?

LukeH: Well yeah, my name is pretty manly.

CalumH: Well, I couldn't know BECAUSE I DONT KNOW YOUR NAME.

LukeH: And you say I'm having my period?

CalumH: Touche.

LukeH: I'm going to ignore you again, bye Felicia.

CalumH: Seriously? Bye Felicia is sooooo 2014.

CalumH: You are seriously ignoring me.

CalumH: Well, I'm going to spam you then.

CalumH: I

CalumH: Wanna

CalumH: Know

CalumH: Your

CalumH: Name.

CalumH: Seriously?

CalumH: A

CalumH: B

CalumH: C


CalumH: I thought you died.

LukeH: I'm bored so, I'm going to keep talking to you.

CalumH: Auch, only because you're bored :(

LukeH: Pretty much, yeah.

CalumH: Fuck you.

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