Aran Ryan Takes the Dub(lin)!

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Overview: Aran Ryan would be a dirty fighter. As opposed to his fellow punch-out rep, he would have more scummy moves and bizarre tactics. As opposed to baiting and punishing him, he would have great endlag to many of his moves, but poor startup, meaning that the main way to defeat Aran is with quick attacks to stop his moves before they start. While he would definitely be better on the ground than the air, he wouldn't be completely useless in the air, unlike Little Mac. His grabs would be better than Little Mac. He would have the same weight as Mario, the running speed of R. O. B., and the jump height of Byleth.

Gimmicks-Lucky Sevens

Aran Ryan, possessing the luck of the Irish, would deal more 1.5x damage when there's a 7 in his percentage, and being at either 77.7% or 777.7% would triple his damage output.


Jab- Two quick jabs and a headbutt. The headbutt can bury at high percents similar to Wii Fit.

Forward Tilt-An overhead swing. Powerful and can bury opponents at high percents but has slow startup.

Up Tilt-Lunges forward before doing an uppercut.

Down Tilt-Quickly kicks the ground below him. Has probably the lowest startup of any of his normals, as it's a boxer kicking someone.

Dash Attack-Jumps back before doing a right hook forward.

Forward Smash-Lunges forward and does a headbutt.

Up Smash-Does a right hook upwards.

Down Smash-Thrusts his elbow downwards. Can hit opponents on the ledge


Neutral Air: A quick jab forward. Kind of useless for any purpose other than comboing into one of his specials

Forward Air: Swings forward. Slow and also pretty bad, but with decent power if you can land it

Up Air: Puts his hands together (somehow) and swings upwards.

Down Air: Kicks the ground below him in a sweeping motion, easy to avoid, but the most damaging of his specials.

Back Air: A backhanded slap


Pummel: Headbutts the opponent.

Forward Throw: Punches the opponent in the face before throwing them.

Up Throw: Tosses the opponent slightly before uppercutting them. The uppercut can be interrupted by a third person.

Down Throw: Squeezes the opponent before dropping them. This moves heals Aran 7%

Back Throw: Shakes the opponent and throws them backwards


B-Irish Jig: A Marth-like rekka move. Aran would attempt to perform a 7-hit combo attack, allowing for quick blows as well as winding up for more powerful attacks. He would have seven things he could do. Close up high, medium, and low. Windup high, medium, and low, and trying to get behind the opponent for an unblockable mix-up. The key to using this move is to keep your opponent guessing in order to land all 7 hits.

Side B-Rope Leap: Summons some boxing ring rope behind him and springs forward horizontally. Can either be used as is to land a quick blow on your opponent or be cancelled by pressing B mid leap to cancel into something else.

Up B-Boxing Glove Flail: Summons a homemade flail made from a boxing ring and attempts to use it as a tether recovery. If it hits an opponent instead of the stage, he'll simply go into freefall after damaging the opponent.

Down B-Flail Swing: Takes out the flail yet again and starts swinging it. Can be angled up, down, or behind him, but he can't move while it's active. The flail itself can only take up to 77% of damage before being destroyed, and he has two per stock. Once a flail is destroyed, Aran will stop to yell 'NOOOO!' he takes twice as much knockback if attacked during this state.

Final Smash: Lucky Seven Strike

Aran Ryan takes out his flail (even if both are destroyed) and swings it in front of him seven times, dealing huge damage and knockback.

Other Stuff


1: Green shorts with purple boxing gloves, his default appearance.

2: Navy shorts and green gloves, his title defence appearance.

3: Green shorts and gloves

4: White shorts and gloves

5: Orange shorts and gloves (All three are the Irish flag)

6: Dark green shorts and red gloves, a reference to Pizza Pasta from the OG arcade punch-out, who many of Ryan's techniques are based on

7: Yellow shorts and green gloves, a reference to the champion, Mr. Sandman

8: Navy shorts and gold gloves, a reference to Nick Bruiser from super punch out, who Aran's elbow strikes are based on

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