Incorrect quotes 32

267 4 102

Aiden: So, don't panic, But one of us is posessed by an owl.
Tom: .......
Ally: ........
Ashley: .........
Gabby: ..........
Jake: ....Who?
Aiden: That's thing, we don't-
Everyone stares at Jake with suspicion.

Emily: What in the name of sanity, have you got on your head?
Trevor: It's a fez, I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool.
Derek: *Snatches the fez and throws it in the air*
Emily: *Shoots it*

Nick: Alec and I are no longer dating.
Alec: Nick, that's a horrible way of telling people, we're married.

(To everyone in Ep 10)

Aiden: It's summer, I got my head on backwards and it's time to fucking party-! (Gets hit)

Grett: Wow, Yul really hates us, Riya.
Riya: Yeah, Perhaps he's homophobic!
Grett: ....But we're not gay, Riya.
Riya: We're not?!

Kristal: You're ignoring all of your problems.
The contestants of DC: I know.
Kristal: You also know it's an unhealthy coping mechanism as well.
The contestants of DC: I'm ignoring that fact as well.
The hosts: *Questioning the sanity of the DC cast.*

(If TomJake had a secret relationship AU)
(Tom and Jake would be kissing as they pull apart, not noticing the confessional.)
Tom: ....Is this on camera?

The DC fandom with Yul, when he survives elimination: You're alive.
Yul: There's no need to sound so dissapointed.

Lake: How much money do you have?
James: I don't know, 69 cents.
Lake: Oh! You know what that means?
James: ....I don't have enough money for chicken nuggets.

(Why Fiore targeted Lill in a nutshell)
Lill: Remember team, You can be abything you want-
Lill: Okay, Can you try a little bit smaller-

*In a groupchat*
Dan: A pegan just flew into my window.
Gabby: Pegan?
Drew: A what?
Nick: Ah yes, My favorite bird. Pegan.
Jake: I thought you said penguin for a second, LMAO.
Tom: Just a normal day with flying penguins crashing into my window.
Drew: You have pigeons flying into your window? Can't relate, I have penguins flying into my window.
Dan: I literally just made a typo-

Ellie: (Walks and throws her bag away)
Audio: Fuck this shit, I'm out.
Ellie: (Jumps into a trashcan.)

Kristal: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Derek?
Derek: No.
Trevor: I do!
Kristal: I know, Trevor.
Trevor: I'm sad.
Kristal: I know, Trevor.

Nick: What can therapy do for me, that screaming in my car for 30 minutes can't?

Yul: Like, I'm not a racist, but-
Rosa: No, you are.
Rosa: You are a racist, butt.

Connor: What do you all major in?
Hunter: Respecting women.
Ally: Minecraft.
Tess: Criminal justice and psychology.
Kai: I'm afraid that I'll lock myself into an interest that I'll no longer be passionate about in a few years like all the other areas of study I pursued over my life.
James: Minecraft as well.

Why do most of the majority of these incorrect quotes mostly involve the DC cast, needing thera- (Realizes that the DC cast DO need therapy) oh....


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