The Truth (18)

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The trio of two hedgehogs and a fox stayed at the warehouse as they watched Amy break down and weep. Sonic watched in overwhelming agony, taking slow blinks in result of his loss of empathy for the pink one.

Sonic turned to Shadow, and tilted his head slightly to the left, signaling him to leave. Shadow nodded as he tried to blend in with the natural light behind them and teleported them all out into a nearby forest.

"She didn't mean to hurt me? My fucking ass! How did she think it would end up anyway!? Me not having my own sense of mind or feelings just because she wanted to be liked!? I-" Shadow stopped Sonic from his angry tangent by placing a hand on his shoulder. Sonic took a deep breath as Tails only watched. "I never thought something like this would come from her. She was the sweetest person I knew, with the most trusting eyes, but I guess her eyes do lie after all." Sonic sighed as he fidgeted with his hands as his ears drooped.

"I need to confront her. W-What if she apologizes? I need to hear it." At this point, Sonic began to rant again, walking side to side looking at the ground in a reluctant manner. "I don't know how much it will mean to you, but if it all goes wrong, I recorded everything, every single word." Shadow said to Sonic as he stopped his tracks and looked at Shadow. His eyes softened and his arms dangled to his side.
Tails cleared his throat, alarming the attention back to him.
"She's leaving, we have to get to her cottage if we want to catch her vulnerable and extremeeely honest." Tails added as Sonic nodded. "Leave me alone with her, hide somewhere to listen." Sonic said briefly.


Amy walked inside her cottage, hiccups alerting the people inside the house that she came. Shadow and Tails hid behind a shelf, that embellished an empty corner as they had a small view to the couch.

Amy walked into her living room as her eyes widened at the sight of a familiar blue hedgehog sitting on the couch, glaring at her. "Tails dropped me off, rough day?" Sonic began acting as he patted the seat next to his on the sofa and Amy walked over to sit down. " have you been?" Amy leaned forward, struggling to maintain eye contact with Sonic. "Not so great actually, Tails received a call from the police saying that Eggman had an ally, but I don't know who it could have been. It's just overwhelming, you know?" Sonic sighed as he pressed his fingers against his forehead. Amy blinked rapidly fast, lowering her head slightly.

"I just don't understand who would do that to me. People loved me." Sonic spoke in past tense. "An ally? Do you have any idea on who it could've been?" Amy asked slowly, Sonic shrugged as he nodded side to side.

"By the way, Ames, I found this under your carpet, why'd you tear it? And why did you write it to Eggman?" Sonic pulled out the piece of torn paper with an address on it. He fixed his tone, the question appearing as a genuine question, and a hint of disgust while he mentioned Eggman.

"Why I tore it?" Amy repeated as she fixed her hair. "Yeah, that's what I said." Sonic squinted his eyes with a chuckle. "Oh, actually..." Sonic said as he took a look at the paper and pointed at the date. "I remember this date. It's when I was like brainwashed or something. When Shadow took me in. Huh. What a coincidence." Sonic shrugged once again, every attempt he took to break her just didn't seem to work.

"I was going to ask him to talk, like it said there, and then I was going to tell him to not attack like he usually does on Knuckles birthday party, and I wanted-"
Sonic cut Amy's words as he crossed his arms. "W-What? What do you mean-" Amy's eyes widened. "Oh cut the act Amy! I know everything!" Amy tensed up and froze. "What do you know?" Amy looked away as she rubbed her thighs as a form to self-soothe. "Do you think I will tell you that? So you can make up more lies to try to make sense out of it!? It already does! You back-stabbed me." Sonic stood up rationally in anger from the poison of lies he had just been fed.
"I didn't mean to hurt y-"
"Well you did."

Out of the blue, tears rolled down her green eyes. As she sobbed into her arms, trying to shelter herself from her selfish truth. "I love you! I wanted you to love me! I was desperate and I didn't know what to do! You just wouldn't pay attention to me like I wanted you to! I just wanted you to love me...I just..." Amy began breaking character as she yelled and wailed. "So much for what you call love. I am not yours Amy. You do not own me and you do not have a single right to choose what I want. Do you even understand what you did? And what was caused out of it!?" Sonic began leaning in towards her, spitting out the harsh sound of the letters from the truthful words.

"What I just heard was that you wanted to choose how I felt about you. Shit! It even sounds fucked up. I didn't expect you to go that low." Sonic squinted his eyes in anger and disgust.

"You helped Eggman hurt me. You both made me hurt people, innocent people! All because you were too selfish and too full of yourself to realize that it isn't all about you. just went too far." Sonic backed away from her as he clenched his fists. "I'm bringing you to the police, you're going to confess, and I have proof to show if you even try to deny it." Sonic looked at the shelf, giving a slight nod. A second passed by and a green flash, flashed, and appeared two familiar faces. Shadow and Tails. This time, Tails being the one who had been recording, once again, the whole thing.

"We've already sent the file of you talking to Eggman at the abandoned warehouse to the police. You're outnumbered and have nowhere to go. Just turn yourself in." Tails said to her with a sympathetic glare.
"Sonic?" Amy began to ask.
"Did you...ever like me? In the slightest bit?"

Sonic looked away from her crossing his arms and ignoring her questions. It was already known how much of a people pleaser Amy already was. If I were to tell her if I liked her or not, especially when I liked her. She might grow hope and act like how she was in order to convince me she has changed. Sonic thought to himself.

Sonic turned to Shadow and gave him a nod. Shadow took Amy and teleported her and the rest to the police station.


After everything was settled, Amy exposed what Eggman was planning and police were all over town searching for him non-stop. "Not a single fucking apology. Did you hear anything besides justification? She only feels guilty for getting caught, she doesn't feel guilty for what she did to me." Sonic stood in the center of Shadow's living room, complaining, while Tails and Shadow listened and agreed. "I just hope I can finally rest. This is so stressful." Sonic fell on to the couch as he groaned. Tails chuckled slightly as he swirled his tails and flew, grabbing Sonic and heading to the front door. "Come on. Let's go home."

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