forgive me.

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I wake up from my sleep to the sound of a door slamming, I prop up on my bed, squinting my eyes to see whom had just walked into my room, which was silly really considering there was only one person who could actually get in, and that one person was the one individual I couldn't stand seeing right now. "Fuck sake" I yawn, grabbing my jumper to leave the room, I figured I would just sleep in Beth's room tonight. As my hand touches the cold, door handle I feel a warmed hand snake around my wrist, pulling me back. "Ellianna" Katie whispers, I shoot around, I can feel myself getting mad, before I suddenly had an outburst. "don't fucking talk to me tonight, actually you know what, never fucking talk to me again" I spit before turning back to face the door, without having another thought I swung the door open, making sure it definitely slammed behind me.

I knock on Beth's door, praying that she would still be awake. "Ellianna?" Beth sapped, rubbing her eyes. "Can I stay in here tonight?" I say, looking like a sappy lost puppy who was just stood outside someone door in just shorts and a sports bra. "Yeah, course" she said turning to the side, indicating for me to step in. "Thank you" I splurged quickly, I could tell Beth wanted to ask why I was stood outside her door at early hours in the morning, but she didn't, she knows me and she knows I am not one to talk about my feelings, ever.

Beth lets me share a bed with her, Kim besides us fully oblivious to the situation going on, I learnt that she was a very deep sleeper according to Beth which probably worked out to Kim's favour as sharing a room with Beth is a nightmare! I'm talking snoring, tossing, turning, stealing the covers, and more than a dozen other potentially irksome habits, at least it was better than having to share a room with Katie.


It was the next morning, after a ghastly night sleep all I wanted was a coffee, anything else I felt as if I would be sick. So that's what I got, I made my way down to breakfast, I couldn't even imagine how awful I looked right now. I look across the hall and meet with Katie's eyes, her eyes full of sympathy, pity, regret, it made me feel infuriated. How could she practically accuse me of 'asking for it' then suddenly be full of this kindheartedness, and what makes it worse was that we were just becoming friends. As I'm pulled away from my thoughts I feel a slight tap on the shoulder, just hard enough to make me spin around. "Can we talk" Katie blurts, she could tell I was hesitant. "Please" she pleaded once more, just making me get up and follow her. "I thought I told you I didn't want to talk to you" I snapped at her, the look on her face making my stomach feel queasy. "Ellianna, please, hear me out." Katie proclaims, I don't reply, I just sit there waiting for her to carry on, leaning back into the wall behind me. "I was drunk, I know that's not an excuse and definitely not the excuse you deserve." She publishes, was she fucking joking me? she was drunk so that gives her the right to shout in my face telling me I asked for a man to grope me!? Before I even got the chance to reply she had already started speaking once again. "that's not all.." she started, this time a wave of nerves showed across her body as she picked at the skin around her nails. "when you walked off into the distance of the pub, looking as good as you did I knew everybody, man or women would be all over you and it made me furious, even more mad that I couldn't stop you, I was even more mad just because it had happened only to you." She spoke, every word leaving me stunned, was she admitting to feeling jealousy? but why did she feel jealous? "Katie.." I proceeded before I had gotten interrupted. "I know what you're going to say, I just want us to be friends, please?" Katie blabbered, each word coming out of her mouth making me feel more confused. "okay, just don't ever be doing anything like that again" I snarled. "don't worry, I won't." she declared before holding me out her pinky and whispering; "I promise" she grinned making me finally crack a smile, some people find pinky promises cheesy but I really think there cute.

Me and Katie had decided we would both go up to the room to pock our belongings as we would be leaving later on, I would never have thought I would be saying this but I am slightly bummed that I wouldn't be sharing a room with Katie anymore, now I'm just going back to living all alone, boy doesn't that sound fun..

At least we had finally packed everything, after numerous minor inconveniences.


"Evelyn help me get my suitcase shut!!" Katie unnecessarily shouted as I was only next door in the bathroom. I walk through to find a suitcase overflowing with clothes.

"Maybe if you didn't pack twice as much clothes as needed?" I joked

"Shut up and help me close the god damn thing" she groaned making me giggle.

Eventually we found out the issue was that Katie decided not to fold any of her clothes. Still after folding the clothes her case was still just a little overflowed but all worked out once I sat on the suitcase whilst Katie zipped it up, strangest thing ever.

*flashback ends*

word count: 967

Katie McCabe~ enemies, to friends, to lovers.Where stories live. Discover now