Do for Love

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Okay, this one is super long like 4978 Words long and took me 3 days to write, and I cried twice because I'm a big fat baby. Anyway hope you guys like it!

After saying bye to the boys, Tiffany and Jr. Dimitri and I drove to the airport.

"Where did you go so early in the morning?" I asked my head turned to look out my window as I sat in the passenger seat.

"I drove around with Jackson." he said simply. A couple minutes passed by, and I watched as he drove ignoring me.

"Are we seriously doing this?" I ask.

"Doing what?" he asked playing dumb.

"Don't fuck with me, are you just gonna ignore me after what you said last night?" I said, raising my voice, the emotions of last night bubbling to the surface again.


"No! I don't understand why you think it's OK to put words in my mouth, just because I don't show affection the same way that you do, you think I just don't care?"


"I said I'm speaking!" I yell, and before I knew it, the cars swerved. For just a moment I felt everything around me slow, flashes of the car accident appeared in my head. Then everything went back to normal. I let out a little yelp, my heart beating rapidly in my chest as I held my seat. Dimitri swerved around the car that was coming straight for us honking the horn at the asshole. I look behind my seat at the car, then at Dimitri my breaths shallow. He glanced back at me a worried look on his face. His eyes still on the road. He gripped my thigh, calming me down.

After what happened, Dimitri pulled over and hugged me for a good five minutes, I hated how he made me feel, but it felt so damn good in his arms every single time.

When we got to the airport, we both kept quiet. Not having the energy to fight still I was pretty shakin up about what happened. He seemingly wanting to pretend that nothing was wrong. After a 5 hr flight, we finally landed in Whistler. As expected, it was cold as hell. Dimitri drove us to the cabin in a rented car. And when we pulled up at the cabin, I got out the car, staring up at it.

"The fuck is this?" I asked my face twisted up.

"A cabin." Dimitri said passing me by as he went to opened the trunk of the car. I then felt the cold wind blow in my face reminding me yet again just how cold this place is.

As I stand in front of the enormous mention that Dimitri seems to be calling a cabin for some odd reason. That was significantly farther than I would like from any towns or police stations.

Made from dark oak with large windows and a grand looking entrance from the outside. It was surrounded by tall green oak trees with sprinkles of snow resting on their branches.

I look down to eye level and see Dimitri's friends walk out of the extravagant cabin passing me by to greet Dimitri. Personally I didn't really care if they liked me or not,(kind of comes with the territory of just being a nonchalant bitch). I couldn't help but see three other girls walk out of the cabin. One leaning on the door frame, another with her hand on the doorknob, and the last one right next to her. I watched as they glanced at me talking amongst themselves. I let out a breath seeing a cloud of cold air appear in front of my face.

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