2: My Name is Konohamaru!

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MinataNamikaze1: The disclaimer: I do not own Naruto cause if I did then Sakura wouldn't be a useless fangirl in pre-shippuden, and Naruto would have his father's smarts while keeping his mother's personality and knows about seals and how to use to them. I do, however, own Miu Senju nee Uzumaki, Kyorama Senju, Emica Senju nee Yuki, Ryurama Senju, Naomi Senju nee Mizutani, Shinobu Uchiha, Hotaru Senju, & the White Tiger & Black Panther Summoning Contract (A/N: If there is already a White Tiger & Black Panther Summoning Contract...then please ignore the last part). Remember to Read and Review to let me know what you think. Also, if you don't like any twist that I might make then stop reading and find something else to read plus don't leave a review that's a flame or I will find a way to block you. Ja ne!

...My Line...

It was the early morning, and one could find both Hotaru and Shinobu in a clearing in taijutsu spare using two very different styles. Hotaru was utilizing the Tai Chi style of taijutsu for her water affinity while Shinobu utilize a taijutsu style called Northern Shoalin that would work with his fire affinity. The raven hair pre-teen then pulled a tantō that is strapped over his right shoulder out of a brown harness that runs across his chest while being fastened over both of his shoulders while Hotaru pulled out a katana with a white cloth wrapped around the handle leaving a diamond like pattern along the hilt while the tsuba was in the design of a square. The Senju and Uchiha started to use the tantō and katana in their spare and that was how Naruto had found them when he showed up.

The Uzumaki's eyes had a sad shine to them at the sight of her tantō: a tantō that use to belong to one of the two Uchihas, who didn't mind hanging out with him. Shisui Uchiha. Shisui had meant a lot to Hotaru, Shinobu and himself and to this very day, the three of them still miss him and wish that he was still alive. However, Shisui meant more to Shinobu as the teen had been his older brother, who he looked up, as the young teen had been Shinobu's idol.

His blue eyes moved over to the tree lines where he knew a crow was sitting keeping an eye on the three of them. However, unknown to the Hokage and the two elders that Naruto could stand and didn't have a problem with was that the three pre-teens knew the truth about the Uchiha Massacre.

Itachi Uchiha, who had been Shisui's best friends, grew close to them in the year after the death of his cousin/friend as he knew what the three 6 to 7 year olds had meant to the older Uchiha. So, when he left the village, he had came to let the three of them know that they would most likely never seen him again. This had made Shinobu about threw a fit about losing another love one just after having lost Shisui. The Uzumaki and Senju were also not happy about it either and the three of them didn't let him leave until he explained why he was leaving them, too. This, of course, made the two childhood friends more wiry of Danzo Shimura than before, but it also had them hating the man and to this day, he remains the only one that they hate with a passion. And they would kill him with a smile on their faces if they could.

"Hotaru! Shinobu!" Naruto called out as he waved at them. "We have to go!" The Senju and Uchiha looked over at him. "We have our Shinobi Photos to take today!"

The silverette nodded her head as she resheathed her katana at the same time as Shinobu had resheathed his tantō and walked over to him.

"Let's stop at home, so that I can get cleaned up first," she suggested.

"I need to clean up as well," the Uchiha added.

"Sure," the Uzumaki agreed with a nod.

This got him a smile from the Senju and a nod from the Uchiha as they walked away.

...My Line...

Hotaru stood off to the side by the stairs of the roof of the Hokage Tower as a camera man stood next to his camera. She felt really bored, too, as Shinobu had already left to a head start on the grocery shopping and thus wasn't there to suffer with her.

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