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     "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten?" The pastor questioned pausing in the middle of his sentence waiting for the congregation to respond

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"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten?" The pastor questioned pausing in the middle of his sentence waiting for the congregation to respond.

"Son." The congregation responded cheerfully.

"That whosoever believeth in him, should not perish but have everlasting life" The pastor exclaimed. Everyone cheered and clapped, some standing and some sitting nodding their heads. The sound of the piano, bass and drums all played in harmony following the voice of the pastor, Pastor Hakeem.

Pastor Hakeem son, Moses sat leaned back in his chair on the bass, he had very few days to himself with college, work and studying and it seemed like the only day he had to actually rest? Was a Sunday, the Lords day. Despite that, Moses didn't have a problem with attending church, he didn't have a problem with the long services, long lectures and the frequent hugs from people he grew up seeing almost his entire life.

His problem was he didn't have a choice.

Being twenty years old you'd think Moses finally had a say so if he'd want to get up and go to church or not? That assumption would be wrong. His mother had always reassured him as he got older his father would lessen the reigns, give more freedom and provide him with the right of making his own decisions according to how he wanted to live his life as an adult but unfortunately he was still on a leash. Moses sucked his teeth slouching in his seat as he lazily played the bass after every shout his father gave to the congregation.

    "My brothers and sisters as we say goodbye on this good Sunday morning. As we go home, continue about our day and leave this holy sanctuary we must always remember that God is watching. Do not leave this church thinking that you are done, do not leave this church thinking your job here is done. Remember to be kind, be patient and stand firm and strong in the Lord. Look for him to guide you and have faith that he will provide. Amen?" Pastor Hakeem spoke confidently.

   "Amen." The congregation answered clapping, Pastor Hakeem smiled as he looked around the congregation. Every Sunday he always searched for new faces, he loved welcoming new people that joined the church even if they were to never show up again. He set his eyes on a young woman that seemed to be around his son age that never showed up before.

   "I see a new face in the congregation." Pastor Hakeem said smiling, everyone turned to see what he was looking at as the young women smiled shyly.

   "Don't be shy now, we welcome you with love and grace. Would you be willing to stand up and introduce yourself? Say who invited you?" The young women stood up as Moses didn't even bother to look who it was or who was speaking. People came to this church all the time and they left just as quick. It was only a waste of time to get to know them and an even bigger waste of time to try and welcome them as part of the "family".

   "My name is Sunset. I was invited by my best friend, Carmen." Sunset spoke softly, you could hear a small lisp when she said her name. Pastor Hakeem smiled and nodded.

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