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    Moses half listened to his professor while the other part of him focused on how exactly he would go about asking his parents to go to that party Simon kept talking about tomorrow

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    Moses half listened to his professor while the other part of him focused on how exactly he would go about asking his parents to go to that party Simon kept talking about tomorrow. Moses could use his two hands to count how many times he's been to an actual party that wasn't a celebration of some kind. Moses felt that he wanted to get out more and now that he was older? It was the perfect time to do it. Simon although annoying, was right. It was about time they loosened the reigns. Moses did everything he was supposed to do and more, the least his parents could do was give some form of grace and trust. Often times people didn't understand why he still had to listen to his parents being twenty years old but Moses had to much respect and appreciation to just disobey them on purpose.

   He truly wanted to be a good son, because his parents are great but at the same time? They had flaws and that flaws involved expected Moses to live in the life they want and not in the way he wants. So far what they wanted and believed aligned with his own wants and needs, more or less but as time went on? Moses believed him and his parents weren't seeing eye to eye and at this point he was forcing himself to be what they want.

   "Music feeds our soul. In order for our souls to be fed you have to have music, make music that comes from somewhere. Anyone can do composition, write music and make a song but it takes passion and understanding of one self to truly provide music that speaks to your soul and others. See..Music is free. Music is something that is not bound by limitations and rules. Music is anything and everywhere. You must live everyday and break what you believe to be normal to produce everlasting, timeless music. Be like the ones before you and dig deep down inside of you. Find pain, find happiness and most importantly? Find passion. Making music isn't a job or paycheck, it is a lifestyle." Moses professor, William explained.

  "For the next month I want you to work on comp position, I want you to work on building, writing and making a song. Describing a feeling. As usual? No lyrics. I want you to write an essay using your song, make us feel it, understand it and come to our own conclusion about what your song feeling is and you'll be graded based on your peers and how well they understood your feelings in the music and how you made it come alive. In two weeks we will review what you have so far and give feedback so your next two weeks you can work on applying that criticism ." Professor William said, Moses raised his hand.

  "Yes, Mr.Hakeem."

  "Does the song have to be a range of different sounds and instruments or we can just use one?" Professor William.

  "That is up for you guys to decide, my only requirement is that it's an original piece." Professor William said, Moses nodded to himself.

  "Class dismissed" Moses grabbed his book along with his pens as he stuffed it in his bag. Moses had no idea what he was going to write or what exact feeling he was going to describe. He had a month to think about so he was happy for that but he doubt within a month's time he'd know. Moses never felt too strongly about things, he felt that he was an average person so by default? He had average feelings. No more or less than anybody else.

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