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    Sunset stared at her clothes as she began unpacking them

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    Sunset stared at her clothes as she began unpacking them. She hadn't come to Boston that long ago but it was enough to where she should have been unpacked already but she was prolonging it. She didn't know if she was being lazy or if her actually permanently moving here was still jarring. She had lived in Florida her whole entire life and she rarely went outside of Miami, to finally be in a whole new area? It still felt so unreal.

  Sunset folded all her clothes putting them in order from shirt,crop tops, pants and skirts and then dresses. She had more clothes than she thought when she was getting to leave but she donated everything that she didn't wear anymore. Her and her siblings donated their mother clothes before Sunset left for Boston but Sunset still had a few items she couldn't bare to part with, Sunset sighed deeply as she looked at all the clothes getting overwhelmed quickly,

   She barely had the strength for this.

   It was only Tuesday, and Sunset felt the days going by so slow. Everyday felt more then twenty fours and she found herself sluggishly waiting for the day to just end. Sunset grabbed her phone as she saw a recent message pop up on her phone and it was from her sister texting her to call her. Sunset pressed her phone and called, it rang a few times before it finally answered.

  "Hey, Sunset. I text you yesterday."

  "Yeah I was barely on my phone, me and Carmen had went to a Korean restaurant yesterday and like usual my phone died."

  "You have got to get better at charging your phone" Sunset laughed."I know..anyways what's up?"

  "Have you been settling in nicely?"

     "Yeah I'm settling in pretty nicely" Sunset said to her oldest sister, Mercedes over the phone. Mercedes was the first person she told she was moving to Boston and the first person she called to talk about her move. Despite their mom taken very great care of them, Mercedes always felt like a second mom to Sunset.

    She was everything you wanted in a daughter or sibling. Responsible, kind and patient. They were the farthest part in age yet Sunset felt the closest to her. It was Mercedes, her brother Ta'Shaun, her other sister Sage, her other brother Taylor then her sister Rayne and lastly Sunset.

   Mercedes was the oldest being thirty, and Sunset was the youngest being twenty. Everyone else ages were not that far apart from each other. Sunset once upon time was extremely close to all her siblings, but as time moved on, life got in the way and some had kids and some  got married, Sunset felt herself drift away from them slowly.

   Sometimes she felt like she had no siblings at all.

   It was a sad and lonely feeling that she tried not to dwell on.

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