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⋆ ˚。⋆୨ Jealousy issues ୧⋆ ˚。⋆

Yeonjun was currently driving his car to his office, thinking about what happened a while ago.

“Why did I act like that?” Yeonjun groaned, feeling bad for making Beomgyu guilty like that.

“Whatever, at least I'll be away from his annoying and curious ass all day today.” Yeonjun sighed and continued to drive, already halfway through the path, thinking he would have a peaceful day today.

Well…guess not.

“WHAT? Huening Kai is dating someone?” Yeonjun exclaimed, hearing his best friend slash secretary looking sulky and moody.

Yeah, hearing your long-time crush dating someone is definitely not a good way to start the morning.

Yes, I saw him with a man who came to drop him off at work today, and he even ruffled his hair and Kai smiled at him!! Like you know, his sickly sweet one!” Taehyun said with an annoyed expression. The only one who knew about Taehyun’s massive crush on the intern was Yeonjun, so he was the only one he could share his annoyance with.

“Oh my god.” Yeonjun couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter, which earned him a death glare from the younger.

“Kang Taehyun lost his shot huh? You rejected girls, now experience how it feels to be rejected ahahaha this is so Hilarious!” Yeonjun mocked his best friend, enjoying the younger’s frustrated groans and glares.

I hope you trip and fall today, you shithead.” Taehyun huffed, feeling even more annoyed.

“Why did I decide to tell this to your unromantic ass even?” Taehyun said, regretting his life decisions.

“But seriously though, are you sure that's Kai’s boyfriend? What if he's a friend or something? Maybe they're not dating?” Yeonjun asked after calming down from his laughing fit.

“What if he isn't gay then?” Taehyun mumbled, and Yeonjun wanted to kick him.
Taehyun is definitely out of his mind today.

“Okay okay I get it, your loser ass is sour because you couldn't bag your man.” Yeonjun replied, rolling his eyes.

“You shouldn't jump into conclusions though, this is why get some balls to actually talk and interact with Kai.” Yeonjun advised, even though he was himself a disappointment in the field of love.

“Says the one who can't even handle his own husband.” Taehyun scoffed.

“Don't bring that man in this convo, I'm trying not to think about his annoying motor-mouth self.” Yeonjun said as a threat which sounded more like a pleading.

“Ohhh? Thinking about him? Why so huh?” Taehyun smirked, a shit-eating grin plastered on his face.

“Don't… don't start again Kang Taehyun, I'm telling you-”
Yeonjun said with an exasperated groan.

“No Beomgyu talks allowed in the office, shut up.” he added.

“Hmm sure sure, as you wish boss.” Taehyun laughed.

“Shut up and go deal with your Prince Charming first.” Yeonjun shot him an annoying glare and motioned him to leave him alone.

“Deal with your one first hypocrite.” Taehyun yelled and left Yeonjun's office to go see the aforementioned Prince Charming on the second floor.

“Why am I even friends with him? Now I'm reminded of Beomgyu again!” Yeonjun groaned, putting his head down on his desk. He's definitely doomed today.


[Today at 9:30 am]

“Kai-ah, this is where you work?” Soobin asked with a baffled expression, which had Kai confused.

“Yeah, why?” The younger ravenette asked, confused as to why his cousin was so shocked over this.

“Choi Yeonjun is the CEO right?” Soobin asked, just to make sure.

“Yeah, he is.” Kai nodded in confirmation.

“Shit, why did I come here?” Soobin cursed under his breath, regretting not asking his cousin where exactly he worked before.

“Why that face?” Kai asked, worried now. Did he say or do something wrong suddenly?

“Oh uhm…nothing haha.” Soobin said awkwardly, trying to dismiss the topic.

Of Course he was awkward. He just came to drop his cousin to work, the supposed workplace turning out to be his now ex’s husband’s company.

Why is it so awkward? Because he may or may not still be in love with the mentioned ex, and he's definitely not embarrassed that Yeonjun is much better and more influential than him. Yeah, he's not embarrassed, not him of course.

“You're being weird hyung.” Kai commented, seeing the taller man's expression. He knew something was up.

“What? No? Don't worry, I just remembered something, you go or else you'll be late.” Soobin said, and lifted his hand to ruffle the younger man’s hair affectionately.

“Alright, have a great day ahead hyung.” Kai flashed him a smile, and waved before leaving, passing through the glass door and disappearing within the crowd inside.

Soobin sighed, turning on his heels to walk back into his car. Great, now he'll think of Beomgyu again.

“Why today? Ugh!” Soobin cried in annoyance, hitting his head accidentally on the steering wheel.

“Ouch..fuck.” Profanities left his mouth as he cursed his life, and Yeonjun and Beomgyu for making his amazing morning now bitter.

He was jealous of Yeonjun, and yes he admits that. Beomgyu was perfect, he has no idea why he let him go like that even. If only he wasn't being stupid, and actually took time to acknowledge his mistakes and accept them, Beomgyu could be his right now.

“I'm such a loser.” Soobin muttered with a sigh, pressing the gas pedal as the car roared back to life, driving away from the place that was giving him anxiety.

Safe to say, Soobin wasn't the only one having anxiety upon seeing something.

“Huening Kai has a Boyfriend??”

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

Hello Luvs! Rin back from hibernation again cuz Exams ended. I have another one upcoming next month but anyways.

How we feeling on Soobin's appearance😏

Thanks to my period, I wrote this thing finally. Period gotta make a woman crazy cuz tell me why I'm wrapped up in a BLANKET in this hot summer morning with a fan blaring right into my face💀 and yes I cried like a kid this morning lmfaooo.

Anyways, y'all get the update from my suffering so good ig? I'll go write some more stuff since I'm gonna rot in bed rn anyways. Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! See you in the next one!

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