War- Dream x reader kinda?

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L'manberg hadn't been the same since Wilbur and Tommy were kicked out. Battles have been happening constantly and all of the decrees Schlatt had passed made it nearly impossible to survive. When I moved from the Greater SMP to L'manberg, never did I ever imagine it would turn out to be this horrible. I still worked in the castle as an advisor for Schlatt because I had to. Between the pay and the constant threats from Schlatt if I were to quit, I had no other options. Sometimes my gift of being able to see the future was more like a curse. It was a gift that as constantly being abused.

This particular day, I was in a one-on-one meeting with Schlatt when the end began.

"So, see anything concerning as of recent?" He asked wearing his usual grin.

"No...I haven't really seen anything." I reply meekly, shrinking away from him in fear of his response.

"Well how the fuck am I supposed to make any decisions now? Some advisor you are." He spat, taking a drink from his beer bottle before chucking it at me. I quickly dunked to avoid it from harshly impacting me, but one of the shards cut me cheek from the intensity of the explosion. I was getting tired of his temper, it made him impossible to be around.

"I kindly suggest you go figure out a way to see at least something soon or else...you won't like the consequences, doll, sound good?" His eyes were those of a crazed man as he spoke.

I could only nod in response as I quickly walked out of his office, wiping sprouting tears from my eyes. I saw some guards start rushing down the hall as shouts were heard from outside the window. Odd. I assumed it was another revolt in the city, as that was what was normal, but when I looked out the window, the sight was much more horrifying. The town was up in flames as fights broke out in the streets and bombs were blowing up the ground. As I focused my sight on the people, I noticed multiple Ex-Lmanberg citizens fighting alongside those from the Greater SMP. Doomsday had come.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of an explosion inside the castle as I was thrown to the ground. My ears were ringing, and my body felt like it was being ripped apart. I slowly push myself up off the ground to assess the damage. I, myself, seemed to be ok. I probably only had a minor concussion if anything and bore a few scratches and cuts. The dress I was wearing had rips in it as well. The castle however took the majority of the damage. There was now a giant hole where the wall once was, and debris was everywhere. If you looked down, you could see to the floors below. I looked through the hole into the outside and noticed more damage on the lower levels as well. The castle would surely fall, it was only a matter of time.

I heard fighting downstairs, but I knew going down there would be my best bet of surviving, so I ran. I ran through the halls right into a brewing battle on the second floor. As I turned to go an alternate route, I noticed a dagger flying right towards me. What the fuck. I knew the end was near, so I closed my eyes waiting for its inevitable impact, but it never hit. I felt myself being harshly pulled into a dark corridor. A hand went over my mouth and a sword was pressed against my throat as I was slammed into a wall harshly. I opened my eyes to see who saved me and quickly wished that I hadn't looked to see who it was once I did. Dream, king of the SMP, known for being extremely brutal in battle, to traitors or really any who disobeyed his orders, or anyone who he didn't like. It was easy to say that he was worse than Schlatt.

"Look what we got here?" He spoke smoothly, I saw his eyes raking over my body through one of the cracks on his mask.

"Fuckk... aren't you Schlatt's little advisor or whatever he calls you?" He asked, his gaze darkened. Oh, I was so fucked now. I shook my head slightly, trying not to move too much to avoid slicing my own neck on his sword. He slowly removed his hand from my mouth, using it to adjust his mask.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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