Untitled Part 10 Up and Down

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Harry didn't need the hat to show him the way.

  It might sound a bit perverted - he remembered Percy's scent and followed it to the Gryffindor common room.

  Ron and the others were still waiting for Harry to return.

  "Harry, you went to find Dumble ......" Ron greeted them, and before he could finish his sentence, he jumped in shock at the sight of the hat Harry was wearing around his waist, "Oh no, you went and stole the Houses of Separation hat? "

  "It was borrowed, I put gave it a loan." Harry was serious, correcting the error in Ron's words.

  The Parting Hat muttered, "Harry, you're a good boy, but can we talk about this and not turn my head face down, please?"

  "And hats are meant to be worn, I'm a wizard's hat, you're a wizard, we fit together."

  Harry shook his head, biting out, "No, it's a bit awkward to wear on your head, this will be smoother."

  The Branch Hat was stunned, his tone disconcerting, "I think you're using me as a scabbard."

  "A scabbard isn't better than a hat?" Harry asked rhetorically.

  The Hat spat, and if it could spit, it would have spat all over Harry's face, "Bah! Of course a hat is better than a scabbard!"

  "You're a much worse character than Gryffindor, stinky brat!"

  It cursed and was taken into the dormitory by Harry.

  Harry was also a bit tired after a long day of running around and drifted off to sleep.

  When the next day came, before dawn, he woke up and ran around the castle twice, carrying his Gryffindor sword, and practiced swordplay against a tree stump for a while.

  After breakfast in the hall, he returned to his dormitory, woke the others in his dormitory, and went to class with them.

  Classes on the first day of school, September 2nd, Monday, got Harry excited.

  History of Magic in the morning and Herbology in the afternoon.

  Inevitably, History of Magic was a disappointment to many of the new students; Professor Binns was an apparition, reading from the textbook in the raspy, cold, uncaring tones that were unique to ghosts, only occasionally adding a few points out of the cold.

  Most listened drowsily.

  Only Harry and Hermione were attentive.

  The words of the long-lived always made sense - and apparitions counted as another form of long-lived.

  Herbology was more interesting.

  The professor was the Dean of Hufflepuff, a short, fat lady named Sprout, who looked plain and even a little perfunctory, but she was very good at Herbology, and all the questions Harry asked were solved in depth by her.

  The lesson ended at three o'clock.

  Harry hard chased after her to ask questions until four o'clock - the reason why only asked an hour, mainly because, the senior students have to go to class, otherwise Harry can still continue to pursue the question.

  He had the cheek to try and dabble in the class.

  He was put off with a "Gryffindor plus five" by Sprout, who liked the hard-working, clever little lion, but the upper classes were a little too dangerous for her to let Harry get involved in.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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