Eleven Part 2

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Competition by Little Mix____________________________________________________

Harry's Pov

What have I done? I asked Niall to give Melanie my money so she could get me lunch without using her money, that's it. I didn't ask him to go with her, take her in his car. You may think that Niall was a nice guy who talked very sweet to everyone, well guess what, you're wrong. I mean he wasnt like me, but he wasnt too gentle either. He didn't date because he didn't find the right lady for him and I couldnt let Melanie be the one for him.

When I saw Melanie entering my office, I was actually really happy to see her, her adorable face but my smile faded quickly when Niall spoke that he went with her. I saw the way he looked at her, it was almost how I looked at her, maybe not frustrations but it wasn't like innocent or friendly. I didn't like that.

All my fucking fault, I was such a coward to go to Melanie's office to give her my money myself because I couldn't control my sexual frustrations about her, the more beautiful she was was such a turn on but at the same time I loved her innocence and wanted

Melanie [h.s] #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now