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One Thing and Little Black Dress by One Direction_________________________________________________

Harry's Pov

I never thought I would see a drunk Melanie like that. Not to mention those dirty words that came out of her alcohol infested mouth, she would never say those words if she was sober, if she was herself, I bet she wouldnt even know the meaning of them. I drove her car to her house, what if her mom was worried about her, she wasnt the party girl type, she was just influenced by her friend of hers who looked like she would get laid by n number of pigs. Melanie didnt have to be that.

Still as a guy, hormonal horny guy, I couldnt deny how smoking hot she looked like tonight, well she was always hot, but that little black dress tonight was...I couldnt stop looking at her from the time she walked in. Crazy how the innocent girl made me the hardest without trying to.

I had so much temptation to push her against the wall and fuck her breats, I wish I could make her jump and wrap her pretty legs around my waist, I could take her to bathroom and fuck her, taste her bending her on the counter. But at the same time I didn't want to because believe it or not, in one way, I liked much better the good, innocent Melanie and I didnt want to fuck her, ruin her innocence.

The sweet girl didn't deserve me. She was too good for me. So why wasting my time on trying to get her?

What? No Harry, you don't want her! Noone.

After crazy talks and laughs of drunk Melanie, she finally fell in a deep sleep on her seat so I sighed in relief. She looked so peaceful when she sleeps. I really didnt want to disturb her but we reached her appartment. Where was her key? Oh boy in her pocket of her dress that was near her clit. With one hand I managed to take her house key, I got down of the car and opened Melanie's side door and I carried her gently bridal style and walked into the building upto her appartment door. I rang the bell and waited for Mrs D'Souza to open the door.

I smiled looking at how cute and adorable Melanie looked sleeping in my arms, how peaceful but will she remember tomorrow about this? She was so drunk now, I think she will forget everything . Why did I care anyway?

"Oh Mr Styles hello! What happened?"Melanie's mom opened the door and gasped when she saw her daughter sleeping in my arms.

"Hello mam , I found her in the club with a friend who made her drink too much so I brought her where she would be safe. She's asleep now and will be fine"I said nicely and she nodded smiling at me as she let me inside.

"Thank you sir, very nice of you, her room is upstairs"She said and I nodded I climbed the stairs to go to her bedroom, it was very pretty, she loved pink as everything was pink. I smiled like an idiot the whole time.

I carefully put her on her bed, putting the pink blanket on her body without disturbing. Before leaving I stared at her with admiration of how beautiful she was, I caressed gently her head qnd then I stood hoping to leave until I heard that very sweet sleepy voice making me smile a lot.

"Harry?"I heard Melanie calling me si i turned around to see her still eye closed.

"Hmm?"I asked softly.

"Please stay"And with that, I joined her on her bed wrapping my arms around her pulling her close to me taking advantage that she wont remember anything when she will wake up. Well I wish she would remember because I hate to say this but

Im starting to like Melanie. For who she is.

She is definitely not like Amber.

What what? Stop Harry, you cant compare Melanie with Amber? You cant fall for Melanie? You dont fucking date you dont wanna be broken again!

My life was so messed up.

Melanie [h.s] #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now