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Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran__________________________________________________


Harry's Pov

One Month I have known this girl. One month she stepped into my office and I first layed my eyes on her. If only I knew that day was the day she stole my heart and a big part of it. One month I have been with a girl without touching her, without having sex with her at all and I was happy about it. Everything about her made me so happy inside, I couldnt feel anymore alive and being the real me again. The feeling was so good I didnt want to change anything

Having Mom and Gemma the two most important people in my life approve the love of my life so quickly and very very easily really warmed my heart and made me even more happy than I already was. I wouldnt know what to do if they didnt accept Melanie and I, Melanie was now in my life and I wouldn't let her go. Never.

I loved how BFFs Gemma and Melanie became so quickly, Gemma didnt randomly take girls for a day out just like that, she was very choosy on choosing friends, and even more when it was my girlfriend. I was glad that she loved Melanie like her own sister. Let me tell you, Melanie will become soon Gemma's sister in law one day, just wait and see.

"Hey you ok?"Mom snapped me out of my thoughts as I was watching from the window both Melanie and Gemma talking and laughing together in the garden  as creepy as it sounds I found it fascinating to watch these two girls having the time of their lives. Seeing Melanie happy made me more happy.

"Of course Im ok, why wouldnt I be? Look at her, she's...perfect"I said smiling like an idiot looking how beautiful Melanie was even if she was only wearing cute pink shirt and pink pyjama pants, she looked too cute, it wasnt sexy or revealing skin or anything but still that was the magic of Melanie, she didnt have to try anything to make so hard just by looking at her. Even by distance and even thinking about her.

She got me going crazy.

"I know...It's so nice to see you this happy you know, I feel like my baby boy is back"Mom said leaningv her head on my shoulder hugging me and I smiled because she was damn right, I was very happy now and nothing and noone will swipe that smile off my face, also noone will take my only source of happiness away from me.

My Melanie.

"You're right...Im back and will never leave"I said nicely and she chuckled happily.

"You really haven't touched her?"Mom asked me in almost disbelief or maybe amazed that I didnt do it with Melanie, yet. Melanie was innocent and it was the first time I loved it so much and I wanted to keep it a little longer , but sometimes she could be so...tempting and not making it any easier for me at all. I was willing to wait for her to be ready, her first time had to be special, like she shouldnt forget it, the most memorable night of her life. In a way it was going to be my first time as well, you know why? It will be my first I will ever make love. Mainly the feeling will be mutual this time I was sure of it.

"I know I also can't believe it but...Im proud Im not like those people who cant control their balls. Im ready to wait for her to be ready, I wont force her, I like, I love how innocent she is and with her I realised innocence is the sexiest thing on earth"I said honestly to my mom and she looked at me impressed of me saying those wise words, she obviously never expected me to tell those words and meaning it from the bottom of my heart. All thanks to Melanie for making my heart pure.

"Is that you talking or Im just hallucinating?"Mom asked me and I laughed cheekily and she smiled caressing my hair softly.

"Mom! Thats how much I really love Melanie, our relationship was always more than sex, I may have crazy frustrations thinking about her or seeimg her but I control myself to the maximum to patiently wait for her when she's ready. When she wants to give it to me willingly"I said and she nodded smiling like it was a good way to go.

"Im impressed Harry, she is really bringing out the best of you. Don't lose her ever she's precious"Mom said and I nodded hugging her and kissing her cheeks.

"You are so right mom! Thats why I have planned for very shortly how to make her the best night of her life...if you know what I mean"I said slowly and she gasped in shock, happy shock dont worry.

"OMG how shortly are you talking?"Mom asked me , sounded like she had a plan too and wanted to help. Best mom ever seriously.

"I dont know tomorrow?"I asked her and she was thinking for a while seriously.

"How about tonight?I could take Gemma and Melanie for some fun club just we three while you stay at home prepare everything you need. Gemma and I wont bother you two dont worry"Mom said winking at me and I laughed as I felt happy and so grateful to have such a supportive mother, a loving mother who allowed her son to have sex with his girlfriend at her house while she was in another room nearby.  Im so blessed. Thank you.

"You're the best mom! I love you so much"I said hugging her again and she chuckled kissing my forehead and we continued to watch both Melanie and Gemma having a good girls time together outside.

"Anything for my baby boy. Now I 'll tell the girls about the night out while you go upstairs lets say sleep till we leave ok?"Mom instructed me and I nodded before going up to my room and climbed on my bed getting into my comfortable blanket.

Melanie get ready to have the best night of your life

Melanie's Pov

"Hey girls what's going on?"Mom asked us as she came out and sat between Gemma and I joining our girl conversation.

"Nothing Gemma was telling me her adventures back then in college before working at Buzzfeed"I said nicely and we laughed because Gemma's college life was hilarious.

"Great Im glad you are enjoying each others company so well"Mom said and we nodded happily.

"She's my sister Mom! Such a sweetheart"Gemma said proudly putting her arm around my shoulder and I giggled.

"Im so happy to hear that. How about we three have a girls night at a club nearby. Just we three?"Mom asked us. I would love to have a girls night but I havent spent time with Harry, wont he feel lonely at home all alone?

"What about Harry?"I asked her and she was looking at Gemma as if their eyes were talking to each other but I didnt understand, Gemma grew an understanding smile at her mother and I was lost.

"Poor boy wants to sleep more, the Red Bull got the best of him this time, he ll be fine dont worry"Gemma said and I nodded looking at her and Mom.

"If you say so, Im in"I said nicely and excited that we were gonna have a fun night out at a club here in Cheshire.

"Yayyy oh perfect occasion for you to wear the dress we got in Zara"Gemma exclaimed and I nodded in agreement.

"Yayyy lets get ready"I squealed and now we three got back inside the house to get ready, I went to Gemma's room with her because the dress was still in the bag which was in her room and she also insisted that she would do my hair and makeup for tonight.

"Oh Melanie get ready for the best night of your life"Gemma said very veey happily.

Yayy cant wait for a GNO with Gemma and Mom, well Harry's mom which I considered like my mom coz I love her so much.

This was gonna be one heck of a night

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