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Demons by Imagine Dragons___________________________________________________

Harry's Pov Meanwhile

Why why why why why me? What did I do to deserve this fucking life! Ok fine, my first love was ruined, she ruined me, ok fuck it but why wont she let me alone, why wont she let me move on with my life. If it wasnt enough, she was targeting my new innocent assistant. Why did Melanie had to get involved in this? She didnt have to, she didnt deserve to be in a shit life. She was too good for this. She was too good for me.

You know damn well why Harry! Three weeks without laying a finger on her, three weeks and you haven't shove your dick into her pussy. Something very new for you.

The innocent girl was changing you

What? Noooo Melanie was not changing me .It was all me. Just me.

Deniall proves it.


I was not gonna fall in love ever ever again. There was no fucking love in this corrupted world, people don't love each other, they cheat on each other and ruin each other's lives.

"Hey is that your assistant over there?"Louis my bestfriend asked me as we were drinking our shots from the counter. Did he just say my assistant over there? Bloody hell Melanie what now? Why was she here anyway?

"What? Where?"I asked Louis and he extended his finger to show towards the dancefloor and I parted my lips in shock seeing the beautiful girl dancing enjoying herself with the blonde girl must be her friend. I watched amusingly Melanie's every move, hiw her perfect hips were swaying to the music, her hair flying, I loved that she was different to the other girls, she eas still in her work clothes, unlike the others who wore disgusting slutty clothes.

Harry stop it! You know its best for her that she's out of your life.

As much as I hated the idea, it was true.

"She really is beautiful! I can't believe you managed to control your balls seeing her everyday at work...and one week in Vegas!"Louis said taking a sip of his drink and I gave him a dead glare.

"She didn't let me touch her on her second day at work,  She's different Louis! For some reason I like it!"I said honestly because I never hide anything from my bestfriend . Louis, Liam, Niall , Zayn and I were the gang, almost brothers together but between them, to me Louis was the closest one to me, I shared my deepest secrets to him or Niall, but mostly Louis. Niall guessed things.

Louis's eyes widen when I told that Melanie didn't let me touch her and that I liked how innocent she was.

"She rejected you? She fucking rejected you? Harry Edward Styles got rejected! Bloody she's special! You need this girl!"Louis yelled loudly in his funny way but I rolled my eyes at him.

"No I don't need her, I don't need anybody. I don't want another Amber in my life!"I said coldly and he stopped gagging around, his face becoming serious as he put his glass down.

"You and I both know she is not like Amber! I thought you were over her by now, that Melanie girl is your new assistant after two girls after Amber man!"Louis said softly and I sighed remembering that one woman I was in love and she broke my heart into million pieces.

"I am over her Louis, trust me I don't want her in my life but... its just..."I said not finding words at all.

"You see a little Amber in Melanie don't you? Not the slutty Amber side, the good side she pretended to be!"Louis said softly and I nodded. If only I knew earlier Amber's true colors I wouldn't go any further in whatever she thought was between us.

Melanie [h.s] #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now