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As Maya, Anaay, and Amish continued their journey through the eerie, desolate city, they encountered a scene that sent shivers down their spines. People, once normal and full of life, were now grotesque, shambling figures—zombies with green eyes that glowed eerily in the perpetual twilight. They moved in packs, infecting any living being they encountered. Each victim, after succumbing to the infection, would eventually turn into stone, their bodies frozen in grotesque and agonized poses.

Maya's heart raced as she watched in horror. "We have to be careful," she whispered, her voice trembling with both fear and determination.

Suddenly, they heard a faint cry for help. A man, cornered by a group of zombies, was struggling to fend them off. Without a second thought, Maya sprang into action, leaping high into the air and landing between the man and the advancing zombies. Her presence momentarily stunned the creatures, giving her a chance to act.

"Stay behind me!" she commanded, her voice firm.

As she touched the man to pull him to safety, something miraculous happened. The green glow in her eyes intensified briefly, and the man, instead of turning into stone like the others, seemed to calm. His breathing steadied, and he looked at Maya with a mixture of awe and gratitude.

he mumur something ,gasped, collapsing to the ground.

But the effort took its toll on Maya. She felt a sudden drain of energy, her strength waning rapidly. Anaay rushed to her side, pressing a canteen of water into her hands. "Drink, Maya. You need to recharge."

Maya drank deeply, the green glow in her eyes flickering back to life, but still dimmer than before. Amish, seeing her struggle, stepped forward to support her, his expression one of genuine concern.

"Lean on me," he said gently. "We'll get through this together."

With the man safe, they moved on, leaving him in a safer part of the city with directions on how to avoid the infected. As they continued, Maya's mind was racing with questions. How had she been able to calm the man? Why had he not turned into stone?

"There's something about your touch, Maya," Amish said thoughtfully. "It seems to counteract whatever is causing people to turn into stone."

Maya nodded, though she was still trying to process it herself. "But it drains me," she said softly. "I need to be careful."

They pressed on, the eerie silence of the city punctuated by distant growls and the occasional sound of crumbling stone. The landscape around them seemed to shift and warp, as if the city itself was alive and aware of their presence.

Amish continued to observe Maya closely, his curiosity about her abilities growing with each passing moment. "Your powers are incredible," he said quietly. "But they come at a cost."

Maya glanced at him, seeing a mixture of admiration and concern in his eyes. "I just want to find my family," she replied, her voice determined. "Whatever it takes."

As they moved deeper into the city, the presence of the infected became more frequent. The once bustling streets were now filled with statues—frozen moments of terror and despair. Each one a stark reminder of the peril that surrounded them.

But Maya, Anaay, and Amish remained undeterred. Together, they navigated the treacherous landscape, their bond growing stronger with each challenge they faced. Amish's knowledge and resourcefulness proved invaluable, while Anaay's unwavering support kept Maya grounded and focused.

As they pressed on, Maya felt a growing sense of hope. Despite the darkness and danger, she knew that with her newfound powers, her brother's support, and Amish's mysterious knowledge, they had a fighting chance to uncover the truth and save their loved ones.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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