Decision II

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It was some time in the afternoon. You were practicing your void warping and trying to add in some attacks you saw Baoshi and Bai Hong use. "I need to borrow Appa." Katara said.

"Why? Is it your turn to take a little field trip with Zuko?" Aang joked, smiling. You had a strange feeling in your gut and walked over to them, curious as to what was happening.

"Yes, it is. We're going to find the man who took my mother from me." Katara stated, her eyes cloudy yet piercing.

Sokka heard this and came over as well, surprised. "Sokka told me the story of what happened. I know who did it and I know how to find him." Zuko stated.

You and Sokka exchanged worried glances. Aang frowned and asked, "And what exactly do you think this will accomplish?"

Katara shook her head and sighed, "I knew you wouldn't understand." She began to walk away.

"Wait! Stop! I do understand. You're feeling unbelievable pain and rage. How do you think I felt about the sandbenders when they stole Appa? How do you think I felt about the Fire Nation when I found out what happened to my people?" Aang inquired.

"She needs this, Aang. This is about getting closure and justice." Zuko said.
You furrowed your eyebrows nervously, "Are you sure it's not about revenge?"

"Maybe it is!" Katara shouted, silencing all of you. "Maybe that's what I need, maybe it's what that man deserves!"

"Katara, you sound like Jet..." Aang muttered. "It's not the same! Just attacked the innocent, this man, he's a monster." Katara huffed.

"Katara, she was my mother, too. But I think Aang might be right." Sokka said, stepping towards his sister.

"Then you don't love her the way I did!" Katara yelled, glaring at Sokka. He stumbled backwards, eyes wide. "Katara..."

You furrowed your eyebrows at her words and approached her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Katara, this isn't the way."

"You don't understand, Y/N!" Katara grunted, her eyes full of pain and fury.

"I do. I felt the same exact way with Zhao. I wanted to kill him, and the second I tried to, the guilt that overcame me was crippling." You explained.

Katara looked at you in surprise for a moment, before looking down at the waving grass. "Zhao was terrible, but the man who took away our mother is a whole other level. He killed her."

"So what do you plan to do? Do you want to kill him? Do you want to keep lashing out at Sokka when he's trying to help you?" You questioned, your own fears of the looming battle with Oka influencing your attitude.

"Y/N, you were never there. You don't know how it feels." Katara stated.
"So she wasn't my mother, too?" You asked, grimacing.

"Look, I think things are getting out of hand. Katara, you have a choice to make, and I think you should choose forgiveness." Aang said, gently.

"That's the same as doing nothing!" Zuko stated. "It's really not," You retorted. "But forgiveness isn't something you can give so easily."

"It isn't just that, it's impossible." Katara whispered, walking away.

"Y/N..." Hesitantly, Zuko approached you and Sokka. "I really think this is for the best."

"So it's best for her to kill him? That's what you think the right choice is?" You inquired.

"I mean—"
"I don't want my sister to be a murderer." You whispered, running a hand through your hair.

Zuko narrowed his eyes at you, "...You're stressed, Y/N," He muttered. "Try to let Katara figure this out. It's her choice to make."

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