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Hey everyone! A little bit about me, I'm apart of a lot of fandoms. I typically become fixated on a certain character from each one of them every now and again. Lucky for all my Steve lovers out there- he is my current obsession!


Let me start off by saying, in this story, I'm going to write from the perspective of Steve and Nancy never being a thing. I want Y/n and Nancy to be friends in this story, rather than having weird tension between the characters, so just keep that in mind. In this universe, Steve is all yours! He and Nancy NEVER dated.


Also, this story will pick up season 2. Lets look at this from the perspective of Billy moving into town a bit earlier than in the actual show, which is why your character got to know him and is in a relationship with him at the start of this fan-fiction.


This probably won't be a super slow burn but Steve is going to have to get past a few obstacles (Billy)  to make you his in the first several chapters.


Season one will be removed, but in the universe I'm writing about, your character was there for all of those events. She's just as tightly knit into the band of characters as everyone else is.


I hope everyone loves this story. Trust me, I'm writing this for myself also. I love Steve Harrington.

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