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"Thanks for driving me." I look over to the driver's seat of Steve's BMW, admiring his side profile as he pulls his car into the lot.

Nancy and Jonathan come into view, walking into the school hand-in-hand, until someone hands them a flyer.

I watch Nancy read it, before scoffing and tossing the orange paper into the bin.

"I could do this more often?" He states in more of a question, "I mean, if you want me to drive you more often that is."

I could sense his nervousness, and it softened my heart.

"You nervous around me, Harrington?" I laugh.


"I'm kidding." I smile.

"I mean," Steve breathes, "how could I not be, you're crazy beautiful."

It's my turn to become flustered when he says this, a blush appearing across my cheeks as I avert eye contact, struggling to find a response.

"You nervous around me, Hopper?" He smirks.


Before I can respond, Steve and I are jolted out of our conversation when someone begins banging ferociously on the window.

I snap my head to the right, being met with the angry face of Nancy, and the concerned face of Jonathan.

I exhale a breath that I was holding, thinking first that it was Billy at the window.

Steve unlocks the door, and not even a second goes by before Nancy opens it, latching onto my arm and yanking me out of the car.

"Hey, easy!" Steve raises his voice at the pair, concerned for me.

"Stuff it." Nancy sneers.

Once she has me out of the car, she begins dragging me towards the entrance of the high school in mere seconds.

Before she can create too much distance, I turn my head around to face Steve, still in his car, and mouth the word "sorry!"

"Y/n!" Nancy stresses as we walk through the entrance, "what the hell were you doing in Steve Harrington's car?"

"He drove me to school." I state, nonchalantly.

"He did?" Jonathan speeds up on the other side of us, Nancy still keeping a death grip on my arm.

"Yes, what's the big deal?"

"What's the big deal?" Nancy scoffs as we stop at our lockers, "he's bullied Jonathan for a year."

"He apologized." I reply.

"I doubt that!"

"Actually," Jonathan clears his throat, "he came by yesterday with a gift for Will, and he apologized to me."

Nancy pauses, releasing my arm, "he did?"

"Yeah. It was nice." Jonathan snakes an arm around Nancy's waist, "it's all good, Nance."

She seems to relax a bit in his arms, leaning up to press a kiss against his lips as I stand in awe of what I just heard.

It's not as if I didn't believe Steve when he told me he apologized last night, but hearing it from Jonathan really begins to diminish the bad image I previously had of him.

"He's still an asshole." Nancy sighs, "and I don't think you should hang around him."

"He's not as bad as you think." I smile softly, recalling the conversation from last night.

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