Chapter 5-Rooftop

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So after what happened at Jacobi's, all the boys went to the lodging house and waited for the next morning to go out and spread the word about the strike. I was excited to go to Brooklyn but deep down I was actually nervous about it. But I shake my head to get my minds off . I decided to go out after dark to the roof. No one was up there so i thought i would just have some alone time. It isn't hard to get alone time during the day because everyone goes on their own to make money. But there is no time to just sit there, we need to sell the papers in order to make the money. I sat with my legs criss crossed applesauce with a little ripped blanket around me to keep me warm. I didn't know that Davey were climbing up the fire escape and I looked up at him. "hey.." Davey said to me. "Oh um hi." I said to him.  My heart fluttered a little bit when I looked at him. "What are you doing up here?" I ask casually. "I couldn't sleep, then I looked out my bedroom window and I noticed that you up here." He says. Holy shit he was looking for me. "Worried that I'll ran away?" I said joking. "Wait what you did before?" Davey asked me since he never knew that I ran away from home before. "yea and Jack found me in hiding behind a dumpster." I said to him. "Wow I didn't know you ran away from home." Davey said. "But anyway, are you scared to go to Brooklyn?" I asked him. Davey looked down at the ground and I know that he was afraid of going to Brooklyn. "Hey Davey are you ok there?" I asked him "Oh um yea I'm fine." Davey said as I put my hand on his shoulder. "I know you are scared but don't worry I'll be with you along with Jack and les." I said to him. Davey smiled and something weird happed is that Davey kissed me on the lips. I leaned into the kiss. "Whoa." I say as i realize what just happened. That happened so suddenly. Davey looks down and picks up the blanket i dropped off the floor."Good night Jordyn ." Davey says softly while handing me the blanket. He kissed me on the lips and walked over to the ladder. Before he disappeared into the night , he turned to me and gave me that handsome smile of his. I blushed a lot as he climbed back down the ladder . Holy Moly i'm still confused. I hope he didn't just kiss me for a kind of dare . He didn't... right? I mean he kissed me on the lips too. Damn now i'm even more confused. I stayed up there for another 30 minutes thinking. All that i needs to do is talk to Albert and JoJo but I can't tell Jack about this at all and if he find out he will flip out. 

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