Chapter 11- Apologies

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After I let out all my tears, I decided to head back to the newsboys login house as I stepped inside and everyone turned their heads at me. "Well well well isn't the backstabber." Finch said as I walked past him. "What she is doing here?" Romeo asked Albert. I continue walking and I was heading up to the roof to be alone since Jack just ruined my life with his speech. As I walked to the roof I noticed Race over in the corner and he was smoking for the first time. I sighed and walked over to him. "Hey....Race....look....I'm sorry." I said to him. "it's fine Jordyn." Race said I smiled a little bit. "maybe you should apologize to Davey." Race said to me. I nodded my head and walked off to find Davey. 

Race's pov

I walked into the lodging house and scanned for Davey . I spotted him sitting with Albert and Les. hey were talking as Davey zoning out and he wasn't listing. I walked up to him as I was thinking about what i was going to say. I was gonna talk to him about Jordyn , but I wasn't going to tell him she was waiting for him on the roof.  "Hey Davey?" I ask sitting down with Davey and Albert . "What happened with you and Jordyn ?" Davey's head drops down as he sighs. "She turned on me. Never in a million years would I think she would do something like that." Davey says looking up and off into the window next to him. "Yea well she turned on all of us. So did Jack." Albert says leaning back in his chair. Um Albert whose side are you on?"Guys I don't think it was them who made the decision to speak against the strike-" I start. "So then why did they do it?" Davey cuts me off in a mad tone. Shit I hope he isn't like this when he talks to Jordyn. "Davey don't worry about it. Maybe JoJo is right that's not something Jack and Jordyn would do by choice." Albert says helpin me out. "Yea well they did it." Davey answers sternly. "Damn today is not my day." He says looking off into the window again."How do you know you never go on the roof?" Albert ask. Shut up Albert you aren't helping me right now. "As a matta a fact I was just up there." I say widening my eyes telling Albert to put a sock in it. "I'll take what i can get." Davey says gettin up. 10 points for JoJo. "You're really that mad?" Albert ask concerned."Leave me alone. I gotta lot on my mind right now." Davey says putting on his hat and walking to the stairs that lead up to the roof. Once he left the room i turned to Albert. "Albert i swear to god you made that way harder then it needed to be." "What did I do?"

Jordyn's pov

After talking to Race for at last ten minutes ago. What's the point anymore. He isn't gonna come up here. As i was about to get up the door opens. Davey walks out of the door and when he was about to close it, he saw me. He stopped and stared at me. His expression went from normal to an off guard look. He shut the door and just stood there and looked down. I think he was waiting for me to explain myself. He probably knew it was a set up. "Davey...."  I say as I stand up. "Look I know you're mad but please let me explain-" "Explain what?" Davey cuts me off. "Why are you taking Pulitzer's side?" "You think I had a choice? You think I chose to take his side? Davey..." I say as I walk over to him. "If I didn't speak against the strike we all would have been in jail. And you saw that Snyder and the Bulls were watchin me and Jack at the rally... there was no way out." "You did it to protect us?" Davey asked in a soft voice as his face looked guilty. His eyes were brown and glassy. He was starting to tear up. "Davey , do you really think I would turn on you after everything?" I say walking closer and holding both his hands in mine. "Every time i'm with you my heart starts beatin quicker, my palms get sweaty, and i choke on my words. I love you so much that you make me caught up in my feelings. No way was i going to risk putting you in jail. And if it means you never talking to me again, then fine. But at least I know you're safe." I say looking into his eyes. He looks down at my hands that were still in his, and rubbed his thumbs against them. He looked back up at me as a tear shed from his eye. "I'm so sorry." He says in a guilty voice. "Why?" I ask softly. "You went through all that for me. It shouldn't be like this." He says shaking his head as his tears got worse. "Hey, we're almost there. Soon we're gonna get Pulitzer to put that price back where it was. Together." I reassure him as my eyes fill with tears. Davey leans in and kisses me as he puts his hands on my cheeks. I put my hands over his embracing the moment we were having together. It's getting tougher out there everyday, but everyday... i'll have him. He's gonna be there for me. We pull away and he pulls me in for a hug. His arms around my waist, and my hands and head resting on his chest. Being in his arms was the safest feeling ever. It was like I had a barricade around me, and no one could hurt me. But at the same time, it was the warmest feeling i have ever felt in my life. Being an orphan has very few highlights. But finding love that you've never felt before can be amazing. "I love you Jordyn." He whispers. A smile grew on my face."I love you, too."

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