Chapter 13- Governor Roosevelt and we won the strike

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Once those papers were read by everyone in New York, me, Jack, Davey, and Spot Conlon all went to Pulitzer's office to show him our paper. He definitely heard about it by now, but we wanted to have a talk. Once Seitz opened the door, we barge in. I run in with the paper in my hand ahead of the boys who were walking behind me. "You can't just barge in here!" Seitz says running after me as I open the door to Pulitzer's office and run to his desk."Mornin gents!" I say to everyone as i slam the paper right in front of Pulitzer. "You're behind this." Pulitzer growls taking off his glasses. "I thought we had a deal?" He ask. "And it came widda money back guarantee." Jack says coming up next to me and throwing the stack of money carelessly into the air. The money lands right in front of Pulitzer and he starts scolding at the money. "Oh and thank you for your lesson on the powers of he press." "Did you read this boss?" Bunsen says picking up our paper. He reads it for a second and an impressed look grows on his face. "Huh, these kids put out a pretty good paper! Very convincing." "No doubt written by my daughter." Pulitzer says dreadfully. "Oh and I would sign her before anyone else does." Jack says lounging in one of Pulitzer's velvet chairs. Pulitzer gives him a death stare and Jack backs off. "I demand to know who defied my ban on printing strike related material." Pulitzer demanded as his voice got louder. "Oh, we're ya loyal employees. We would never take our business elsewhere." I say in a fake sympathetic voice. "That old printing press in the cellar..." Seitz realizes. Pulitzer looks at us angrily as me and Jack flash him a smile. "I gave you the offer of a lifetime. Anyone who does not act in his own self interest is a fool." Pulitzer says getting up and walking in front of his desk. "What does that make you?" Davey speaks up. Me and Jack look at him surprised. We didn't think he would speak. "This all began because you wanted to sell more papers. But now your circulation is down 70%. Why didn't you just come talk to us?" Davey ask. "Oh cause guys like Joe don't talk to nobody's like us." I say to Davey. "But a very wise reporta once told me that bein a boss don't mean you got all the answers. Just the smarts enough to snatch up the right one when he hears it." Jack says referring to Katherine. All of a sudden we hear singing. I run up to the window and look down to see the newsies surrounded by the front of the World gate. I smile as I see Race and the other newsies down there with his head held high. Everyone in the room looks down and see's all the newsies singing. "Have a look out there Mr. Pulitzer. In case you ain't figured it out we got ya surrounded." Spot says. Me, Jack, Davey, and Spot wave at all the newsies below us and they wave back. Race held up his cigar and put it back in his mouth. That flippin cigar. I look up at Pulitzer. "New York is closed for business. Paralyzed. Ha, you can't get a paper or a shoe shine. You can't send a message, ride an elevator across the Brooklyn bridge-- you can't even get outta ya own building... So what's your next move?" I ask looking him dead in the eyes. As Pulitzer was about to talk back Bunsen runs in. "Mr. Pulitzer! The Mayor is here along with your daughter and, OH! You won't believe who else!" Bunsen yells. "Good morning Mr. Pulitzer, i think you know the governor." The mayor says. Out of nowhere Governor Roosevelt walks in with a huge smile on his face. My mouth drops open and a small gasp escapes my mouth and Jack pulls me back and puts his hand over my mouth as he looks shocked as well. "Governor Roosevelt!" Pulitzer says fixing his jacket. Kiss up. "Joseph, Joseph, Joseph... what have you done now?" Teddy Roosevelt says shaking his head with a grin. Aw he was so cheerful. Roosevelt is an american hero. I can't believe i'm in the presence of him. "Wait until you hear my explanation-" Pulitzer starts. Teddy cuts him off. Good that bitch doesn't deserve to explain himself. "Well thanks to Miss Medda Larkin bringing your daughter to my office, i already have a thorough grasp of the situation-- graphic illustrations included." Teddy says as he is handed a rolled up stack of poster paper by Katherine. "Jack those are your drawings of the refuge!" I whisper to Jack elbowing him. He just stands there and watches his photos be held by the Governor. "Bully is the expression I usually employ to show approval but in this case i simply mean *holds papers against Pulitzer's chest* Bully." Roosevelt says. He turns and spots Jack. "And is this the boy of whom you spoke?" Teddy ask Katherine. She nods her head and Teddy turns to Jack. "How are you son? I was told we once shared a carriage ride!" "The pleasure is mine, Mr. Governor." Jack says holding out his hand. Teddy shakes his hand and turns back to Pulitzer. Jack turns to me and Davey and looks at his hand like it's a piece of gold. Davey tells him to calm down and i laugh. "Well come along Joe, don't just let those children sing... endlessly. Tell them the good news!" Teddy says looking off into the window. The voices of the newsies singing were still heard. I smiled every time it came to my ears. "What good news?" Pulitzer asked confused. "That you've finally come to your senses and rolled back prices. Unless of course you want to invite a full state-centered investigation into your employment practices." Teddy says to Pulitzer. Me, Jack, and Davey all look at each other in amazement. Teddy is helping us! "You wouldn't dare." Pulitzer says in a deep angry voice. "After the pressure you wielded to keep me from office... i'd do it with a smile!" Teddy says smiling to himself. "Come along Joseph, there is one thing worse then a hard heart, and that's a soft head." Teddy says tapping Pulitzer's head with his index finger. "Plus think of the happiness you'll bring those children." He stops and looks at Pulitzer who had n angry look on his face and looks back at us. "He doesn't do happiness does he?" Teddy ask making me laugh. "Mr. and Ms. Kelly, if i may speak with you two, alone." Pulitzer says keeping a mad look locked on Teddy. Hannah signals everyone to exit, leaving just me, Jack, and Pulitzer. Pulitzer walks back to his desk and sits down. "I cannot put the price back where it was. I'm sorry, I can't. There are other considerations-" Pulitzer starts in a regretting tone. "Joe, Joe, we get it. You use the same face in front of all these folks. I ain't stupid." I say nonchalantly. Pulitzer sighs in relief but I stop him in his relaxation. "BUT WE'RE A CONSTITUENT WITH A LIGAMENT GRIPE!" I yell waking him up."What if i reduce the price by half and get the others to do the same? It's a compromise we can all live with." Pulitzer offers. I look back at Jack and he looks at me allowing me to make the call. I turn back to Pulitzer and put my hands on his desk. "But... you eat our losses." I say pointing to him. "What?" "From now one any pape we can't sell you buy back, FULL PRICE!" Jack says coming up from behind. "That was never on the table! What's to stop the newsies from buying hundreds of papes they can't sell. My cost would explode!" Pulitzer says getting up from his desk and walking over to us. "No newsie is gonna break his back haulin around newspapers he can't sell. Oh? But if he can take a few extra with no risk then your circulation will begin to GROW!" I argue. Me and Jack look at each other. "It's a compromise we can all live with!" We say mocking Pulitzer. "That's not a bad head you've got on your shoulders little girl." Pulitzer says to me. "Hey, i'm 15 i ain't that youn-" I start but Jack pulls me away. "Deal?" Jack ask and spits in his hand for a spit shake. Pulitzer looks at his hand being held out. "That's disgusting." He says in his fancy voice. "Well that's just the price of doin buisness." Jack says. Pulitzer hesitantly spits in his hand and shakes Jack's hand. It's official. The newsies have OFFICIALLY WON! we cheered that we won the strike even through it did was very um not pretty but hey we won and everything can go back to normal since the refuge was shut down and crutchie and the different kind of newsboys were free from the refuge for good and hey heck Mr. Snyder got arrest for the refuge and this was the amazing event ever that happened to me.

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