Chapter 5: Enter the barrier

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Lucifer had a dream in which he saw shadows speaking in a strange language, followed by a vision of his ex-wife Lilith being stabbed and dying in his arms, tears welling up in his eyes as he begged her not to leave him. When he awoke with tears in his eyes, he discovered himself in his chamber, his wings wrapped about him. He felt refreshed and hungry after placing his wings aside. He went to the kitchen and started eating and drinking the blood of a deer. Lucifer, due to the apple, had to consume more food and blood than a normal vampire. If he drank the blood of a human, he would only need a pint of blood, and if he drank the blood of a vampire, he would only need a half pint of blood, which his ex-wife used to help with, but she was no longer here.

After eating, he returned to his office to resume work, however, after a few minutes, he noticed his daughter running and opening the door, appearing so concerned that she approached him.

Charlie: "Dad, you should inform me you woke up, are you okay"

Lucifer: "Sorry my apple pie I did not mean to startle you, and yes I am fine"

She held him tightly, relieved, and then told him that he had been out of it for a few days. He realized that was why the nightmare felt longer, never-ending, and why he felt refreshed. He reassured her that he was fine and felt better. Charlie felt relieved hearing this. She left after a few days and asked him if he could think about her proposal to negotiate with the humans to make a deal so they wouldn't harm any vampires here, and in return, no vampires would harm them. Lucifer did not know what to say, so they discussed it further. They concluded that she could make a deal with them using a contract that Lucifer would create for her using dark magic. After making the contract, they headed to the town where they met Alastor and his team.

Alastor had been dealing with Vox's questions for the past few days. Vox was curious about why the church did not punish them for protecting a vampire, and why Alastor protected them. In addition, Alastor was helping the police with petty crimes that had nothing to do with vampires, as assigned by the church. He was bored and annoyed, but he wondered if Lucifer or Charlie would come by again, as he needed their help with his plan to be free. At the bar, Alastor was dancing with Mimzy while everyone else was drinking and having fun. Anthony returned from a mission and suspected something was off with Alastor, so he sat next to Husk.

Husk: "How was your mission angel"

Angel dust: "Fine

Husk: "Good"

Angel Dust:.. sooo what is with Mister's creepy pants"

Husk: "Alastor is simply bored, that's all."

Angel Dust: "No, it's something different, like he misses someone; have you met someone new"

Husk: "Yeah some vampires and one of them was close with Alastor"

Angel dust: "Some vampire,.....what"

Angel Dust looked back at Husk and began asking questions about the vampires. Meanwhile, Lucifer, Charlie, and Vaggie had just arrived at the town and were walking to the bar. Alastor was done dancing. He decided to leave since nothing interesting was happening, only to see a note on the floor telling him to go to the place where he met Charlie. He grinned before telling his team about the note. After discussing what they should do, they decided to go to where the note told them to be. They arrived only to see Lucifer's wings already out in case he had to fight. Alastor smiled upon seeing Lucifer again.

Alastor: "What do we owe this unexpected visit, Lucie, or is that your real name"

Lucifer: "Is one of my names, well, let me introduce myself again: my name is Lucifer MorningStar, the king of the Crimson kingdom."

After hearing this, everyone froze. They were unable to see that he was not only a king, but also the one who had caused his people to become cursed blood-sucking vampires. Lucifer felt their gaze and turned away, remembering how he had seen his people in such a state before and how much he disliked it. Alastor smirked upon hearing this, becoming more interested in Lucifer.

Charlie: "My name is Charlie Morningstar, I am the prince of the Crimson Kingdom"

Vaggie: "My name is Vaggie, I am her guard and her lover"

Charlie: "Now since we reintroduce ourselves now let me explain"

She walked in front of them, telling them that if they signed the paper agreeing not to harm a vampire, no vampire would harm them. She explained how the deal would be made and how they would try to befriend vampires. After hearing this, they agreed. Later, they looked over the contract before agreeing to it. To him, the conditions were fine and they did not take his freedom away, unlike the church. Most did it for the mission, while others did it out of curiosity about the inn Charlie was so excited talking about. Lucifer would interrupt and say that they could leave to go grab things so they could move to the inn or tell people they were leaving for a while. He mentioned that it would take him a while to have enough power to open the curse for them, as there are a lot of them. The next day came, and everyone informed the church before arriving with their stuff. She smiled so happily, but Lucifer was already regretting this. He used his power on them so they could enter now.

The scene revealed a beautiful town where a large number of pale people were waking and killing each other. However, they stopped when they saw their king. He noticed people staring at him and feeling uneasy, so he used his cursed magic to make them appear at the hotel. Afterward, He departed because he felt weird, but he knew he didn't have to worry since he had to razzle and dazzle Charlie, and with the curse on them, they couldn't hurt her.

Charlie: "ok Dad, so what do you think of my hotel"

Alastor: "The Happy Hotel, dear, you may need to change the name of this hotel."

Charlie: "Really, why"

She moved over to him, curious as he began sharing ideas on how to improve the hotel and make it better. She listened to him and agreed, feeling like he wanted to help her. Vaggie was showing everyone to their rooms. Husk and Angel were sharing a room, while Rosie got her room, and Nifty as well. After settling in his room, the way he wanted, Alastor began exploring the hotel. He noticed how bland the decorations looked and realized that everything needed some touch-ups. He then stopped at a picture of Charlie and Lucifer, with a woman who appeared to be his wife, Lucifer, who was smiling so joyfully, Alastor felt annoyed as he glanced at the painting, before turning around to go hunt for some lunch and reminding the team of their objective. Meanwhile, Lucifer was in his kitchen looking for blood in the palace due to using too much power and feeling starved. After taking a sip of the blood and calming himself, he looked at the ground, wondering to himself if it was the best idea to let vampire hunters stay at the hotel.

Word count:1232

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter😍🥰

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