Chapter 9

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Just a side note, I completely forgot to write the episode where Iida becomesthe class prez-representative so it'll be in a flashback at some point, I promise.

They finally arrived at the USJ & the class got off the coach.

The USJ was huge. There was a lot of stuff there too. It made Y/n wonder how much it costed to build this place. A lot of money, probably.

Once inside, they were greeted by the pro hero known as Thirteen.

They started talking to the class but Y/n stopped listening for a moment & completely zoned out before Iida nudged them to keep them paying attention.

Thirteen explained their quirk, black hole, & how it could be dangerous if used incorrectly, & how everyone else's could be as well.

After They had finished talking, Aizawa asked Thirteen about something. Y/n didn't pay any mind to it, but instead focussed on the area.

There were loads of simulated hazards & somewhere in the far centre, there was something purple & cloudy that was slowly growing.


Something didn't feel right.

"Mr. Aizawa." Y/n said, still looking at the purple thing, "what is that?"

Suddenly, people started emerging from the cloud as if it were a portal.

"Um, is that part of the training?" Y/n heard one of their classmates ask behind them, rather nervously.

"No," Aizawa replied, turning to look at the intruders, "those are villains."

One of the villains seemed so have hands all over them. Y/n couldn't help themself. They had to make a pun. "Oh no... he's about to get handsy with us."

"OI! CAN YOU TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!?!" Bakugou yelled, visibly irritated with Y/n's antics.

"Alright, I'll stop for now."

"Thirteen, protect the students." Aizawa commanded before going off into action trying to fight the villains. Although, trying is an understatement since he was wiping the floor with those villains.

Y/n noticed that another one of the villains seemed to be made of purple mist.

*That guy's probably the one who transported them all here.*

"Iida! Go out & get backup!" Thirteen said to Iida.

Iida seemed a bit reluctant to leave the class to fend off villains. Y/n understood why.

The purple mist dude suddenly disappeared & then reappeared behind them, blocking the only exit.

He said something that Y/n didn't bother listening to before readying a gaster blaster. They heard him say that his name was 'Kurogiri' or something like that.

Thirteen started using their quirk on the villain, which didn't seem to work as well as they would've liked.

Y/n heard them tell the whole class to stay put but they didn't listen.

Neither did Bakugou or Kirishima, apparently.

All three of them managed to land a hit. Bakugou using explosions, Kirishima using his fist, & Y/n using a gaster blaster. However, the villain was left unaffected.

Suddenly, Kurogiri made a mist portal infront & behind Thirteen, causing them to use their quirk on them selves. Essentially making them accidentally use friendly fire.

The whole class was shocked. Uraraka went to help Thirteen, but then Kurogiri used his quirk to trasport the class to different areas of the USJ.

Good time, bad time| MHA x Y/n storyWhere stories live. Discover now