Chapter 11

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They both made their way out of the building. Ojiro immediately noticed what had happened to the villains in the area.


"Whelp, we need to get going if we wanna find the others." Y/n set off in one direction, quite obviously avoiding the subject of what had occurred mere minutes before. Ojiro followed them.

Y/n didn't feel like talking about what had happened. They just wanted to make sure the rest of the class was alive.

That's when they realised they already had Uraraka's number.

Y/n quickly got their phone out & called Uraraka. The moments seemed like whole minutes before Uraraka finally answered the phone.

"Y/n?" Uraraka sounded quite confused, which was valid. Y/n never called anyone without a good reason. "Where are you?"

"I'm in the fire zone, Ojiro's here too." Y/n decided to get straight to the point. "Did Iida manage to escape to get backup?"

"Yeah, thankfully."

That was good. That meant they just had to hold on a little longer. Iida was fast, he could do it.

"Where's everyone else?"

"We were all split up."

"Is Thirteen ok?"

"Alive, but..."

"Ah, ok." Y/n decided to only ask one more question as to not waste time. "What about Mr Aizawa?"

Uraraka went silent. This concerned Y/n.


More silence.

*So, this could be one of two things. One, the line could be breaking. Two...*

Suddenly, Uraraka ended the call.

"Sh*t." They put their phone back in their pocket.

Y/n assessed the situation before turning back to Ojiro.

"D'ya have any ideas on where to go next?" Y/n didn't really know what to do at this point. Their heart felt like it was on fire still. It was probably the adrenaline rush they had gotten earlier.

"We could try finding that area where the villains first appeared." Ojiro suggested, before looking at Y/n's hands, "Are you ok, though?"

Y/n looked down at their hands. There were burn marks, they looked like 2nd or 3rd degree burns. They didn't feel any pain though.

"Eh, I'll be fine. I've been running on adrenaline for five minutes, I'm sure I can go off five more."

Before Ojiro could object, they were off again. It took a while but they eventually got to the area they werd looking for. There were still villains there so they stayed at a distance.

There was the hand guy, & the purple mist dude, but there was also this weird giant creature thing that was really muscular & had it's brain sticking out. It also vaguely resembled a bird.

"What is that?" Ojiro asked to no-one in particular.

"I dunno but it looks like trouble."

They saw Midoriya, Tsu, & Mineta, & they also saw Aizawa in a pool of his own blood.

Y/n & Ojiro looked at eachother with the same expression with one thing on their mind.

*The pro heroes need to get here, & quickly.*

Good time, bad time| MHA x Y/n storyWhere stories live. Discover now