Chapter 10

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The next thing Y/n knew they were surrounded by fire. The smoke was thick, they ducked down so that they were as close to the ground as possible as to not breathe it in too much, which meant they would probably have to army crawl.

They looked around & realised they were in a burning building. There was an exit on the other side of the room.

*Good thing my hero costume is fireproof.*

Y/n made their way outside the building, they found that they were still in the USJ, thankfully.

"So this is the fire zone, huh." Y/n said while looking around, they coughed before continuing, "Kinda reminds me of Hotland... kinda..."


Y/n quickly turned around to see Ojiro walking up to them.

"Heya," Y/n started before looking around once more, "lookes like we're the only ones here."

"Other than the villains, ofcource." Ojiro added

"You saw some?"

Mere moments later, a ton of villains appeared & were coming towards them, some appeared to have fire based quirks.

"Huh, I guess we have to give them what they want." Y/n said before getting ready to use their quirk.

Defeating the villains seemed easy at first but more & more kept coming. It didn't help that there were only two of them either.

At one point, one of the villains with the fire based quirk had Ojiro in a choke hold. The villain's other hand was in a very questionable place.

This was what triggered Y/n.

In the little time they had spent in class 1-A, Y/n had grown a little bit of a soft spot for everyone (yes, including Bakugou), so seeing any of them in any sort of danger would trigger something they called 'older sibling instinct'.

"Guess, someone wants to have a bad time."

The villain saw Y/n & then threw Ojiro into one of the burning buildings by his tail.

Ok, now that was the final straw.

Y/n's left eye flashed blue & a total of 5 gaster blasters appeared & shot at the villain, some hitting the other villains aswell. Y/n also sent an array of bones at the villains, a lot of bones. The gaster blasters kept coming & shooting.

It lasted about thirty seconds but it felt like whole minutes.

After it was done, there was a relatively big crater in the ground. All of the villains there were either dead or incapacitated.


No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't feel an ounce of remorse for it at all.

They turned to go into the burning building to make sure Ojiro was ok. They found him withing five minutes of searching, but he had a giant burn on his neck & Y/n was pretty sure he had atleast one wound from broken glass but decided to check once they were out.

*Would he be afraid of me if he saw how many villains I killed just now? ... Eh, I don't really care that much.*

Good time, bad time| MHA x Y/n storyWhere stories live. Discover now