Maybe it's a warning
I've been handed the wrong end of the stick.To be with someone
Doesn't mean to love
To be listened to
Doesn't mean to be head.I search for love
Even in the darkest corners
Of small forgotten rooms.
I don't think it wants to be found.Maybe it is in hiding
Watching me prowl
Laughing as I get it wrong
As I stand up for myself
Grow an inch with every false discovery.Amazed
When I stop lookingStunned
When it finds itself
Creeping out of the shadows
Hoping to catch a glimpseHeart broken
When it discovers
I no longer want it.Find me in the embrace of those who love me.
Without the hide and seek.
With those who love me.
The Heart Doctor
PoetryTravelling through the world of love and hurt. It's a train that will not stop when you want to. But god what a journey.