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I'm kind of stressed out at the moment, so yeah...😖

Viva: Poppy? *knocks on her door* 🚪

Poppy: Y-Yeah...?

Viva: Can I co-Are you okay?! 😨

Poppy: Yeah...😣

Viva: Are you sure?

Poppy: 😖😖😖😖😖😖😖😖

*Viva slowly opens the door and spots her little sister laying in her bed with tears in her eyes*

Viva: Baby sis, what's wrong? 🥺

Poppy: Um...I...

Viva: Yeah? *wipes her tears*

Poppy: ...Viva...sometimes I wish I never became queen to begin with...

Viva: What do you mean? 😯

Poppy: I'm just me...I became queen very late. I was supposed to become queen by the time I turned 18, but it happened after I turned 20. I'm not cut out to be queen. It happened later than it should've and I keep screwing up, now with the royal review approaching, I'm worried that I might get a bad review because of my constant errors 😣😣😣😣😣😣😣

Viva: 🫢

Poppy: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

Viva: Poppy, look at me *lifts her chin*

Poppy: What?

Viva: As someone with a lot more experience than you, I know how hard it is to be queen, always trying to make everyone happy, making sure everything goes according to plan, you name it. But you know what the most important thing is about being queen?

Poppy: W-What? 🥺

Viva: Admitting when you're wrong.

Poppy: But-

Viva: Poppy, little sis, you're going to make mistakes as a queen, we all do. Owning up to them is what really counts, and we all know you've screwed up, but you didn't do it on purpose. You're only doing your best, and I admire that about you. 😊

Poppy: Really...?

Viva: Absolutely, Poppy, 100% *kisses her forehead* 💛🩷✨✨✨

Poppy: I'm sorry...I don't know what came over me, I guess I let my stress get the better of me

Viva: Understandable, I think you're just afraid of getting bad reviews, I guarantee everyone will have something good to say about you. 😊

Poppy: You sure?

Viva: Especially Branch, he always tells me that everything you two did together was because of you 🩷✨

Poppy: Awwwwwww...🥹

*Viva then pulls her little sister into a tight hug*

Viva: You're the best queen ever, don't you ever forget that 🩷💛✨

Poppy: I won't...thanks, sis 🥹🩷💛✨

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