chapter 10 | Houston, Six Flags and Shushies

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                              [ July 17, 1994. ]
                               [ Sienna's pov ]

  "Sienna." My mother whispers as she brushes the hair out of my face.

  "Hi." I whisper as i struggle to open my eyes. Its 1:32am, im fucking tired.

  "Do you want to go to Houston?" She whispers.

  I jolt my head up to the word 'Houston'. "Yes!" I say excitedly as i jump out of bed.

  My mother left the room so i could pick out clothes and change. I chose out light grey shorts and a navy blue tanktop. I laced up my converse and headed to the washroom.

  I french braided my thick brown hair and left a few curled strands loose. "I am so excited, eeee!" I say to myself.

  I run into my bedroom and grab my backpack and run downstairs.  "Ready mom!" I say.

  "Woah, your quick!" She says as she grabs her keys and duffle bag. "Birthday girl first!" She says as she opens the door wider for me to walk through.

  "Thanks mom!" I say as i skip all the way to the car. My mom followed behind and opened the back trunk.

She grabbed my backpack and placed in nicely in the car and wedged her duffle bag beside it. "Okay, hop in."

  I climb into the backseat with a fluffy grey blanket and get ready to sleep on the way to Texas. My mom slides into the drivers seat and shifts the car into drive. "Okay here we go."


     [ Coopers household, 3:37am, Missy's pov ]

  "Missy, Paige, time to go!" My mom calls as I put a mini braid into my hair. I chose out a light pink tanktop and jean shorts.

  I walk out my bedroom door, tired, but excited. "I cannot wait, its going to be so much fun!" I say. I turned to the washroom door and knocked. "Paige, hurry up!" I say. "I needa pee and Sheldon and my dad are already waiting in the car!"

  Paige walks out the bathroom in a light blue tube top and tight black shorts. "Sorry." She says. Paige is a smart-pretty blonde girl, so litterly perfect. Believe it or not shes smarter then Sheldon.

  After i was done in the bathroom i followed my mom and Paige into the car. Paige sat in the middle between me and Sheldon.

  "Why did you have to come?" Sheldon muttered to Paige. Ever since Sienna left Sheldon has gotten even more annoying.

  "Shelly, be nice!" Mary says as she buckles herself into the passenger seat.

  "Its okay, Mrs. Cooper." Paige says. "Your just jelous." She whispered into Sheldon's ear. Sheldon was wearing a blue NASA shirt and pants.

  "No i am not!" Sheldon says in deffense.

  "Okay everyone buckled?" My dad says. Everyone replied with a simple yes.


  We finally arived to Houston after a few hours. "Finally!" I sigh and open my car door.

  "Okay kids, stick together. Me and your father will be out.." My mom told us. "Oh and here is three quarters, call me if you need too."

  "Why am I even here." Sheldon questions himself as we walk into the theme park.

  "To have fun!" Paige replies touching his shoulder. He obviously wasnt impressed.

  "Oo, lets go on that rollercoaster first!" I say as i point at a large red coaster.

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