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So here's the surprise chapter !!
Sorry for the mistakes.......

"You need to bandage them properly otherwise it will become more severe

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"You need to bandage them properly otherwise it will become more severe." I spoke leaving behind all the wordly problems just to concentrate on this one .

"There is no need to." He spoke and from his voice it was like a cold blown air , he never spoke to me like that but somehow his behaviour is a bit changed.

"There is need to." I fought .

"Ok." He sighed in relief and guided me towards the nearest couch .

I sat on one of them while he sat beside me , his right hand on my lap.

I looked at his wound carefully, ut has started turning blue and black slowly , I am worried if he broke any bone . I sighed looking at it and then asked one of the employee to bring me a first aid kit while I was in my worries .

Panic could be seen just from my face if I try to stop myself from reacting any further.

"What happened Butter?" He asked me snapping me back from my own guilty era.

I shook my head in a 'no' but his face spoke something else.
With his left hand , he stroked my cheeks making me look into his darkened eyes .

"For the very first time I was this scared." He spoke in his husky tone . And I was shocked like how can someone become so important in someone's life .

And this was all I needed to become courageous enough to apologise for whatever have happened in the past few days .

"I'm sorry for everything. I don't know why I am saying this but I feel guilty that because of me you are at this point of deciding about your marriage and because of Rehan you've to be called Dad again and again . That may be awkward in the public I know but please Forgive me for what I've done. I know that you don't want to marry this soon but unfer you family pressure you are doing this. I kno......." I blabbered whatever comes into my mind while I was cut in the middle of my talk when he placed the index finger of his left hand on my lips to quite me from speaking further.

"No need to apologise when there is no mistakes of yours and Rehan . Don't you ever try to blame you and Your Rehan . I am doing all this just because I wanted to do and not because of the family pressure. My decision is crystal clear Adhvi , I want to marry you and you and nothing else I want if I am clear then do the bandage and let's go from here . It's not safe to roam around after that scene have happened." He spoke in his stern voice and his eyes speaking the same .

I gave him a nod in response and he took back his finger from my lips but still looking at me .

Soon the first aid box came and I bandaged his hand carefully then washed the antiseptic cream from my hands .

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