☆ two: self image ☆

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The image we have of ourselves is often completely different from the way others see us.
We create this image in our minds of ourselves that is basically built out of all of the things we find ugly or gross about ourselves.
We struggle to see the beauty that others tend to see, and it can lead down many terrible roads that no one would ever wish to drive down.
The mirror becomes our worst enemy, and the thought of food will often turn your stomach.
We go from flowery sundresses to baggy clothes before you could even blink. We began to compare ourselves to all of the models online and pick ourselves apart until there's nothing left but bones.
Society tells us that we need to change, that we need to fit this unrealistic standard.
The real truth is that no one fits that standard.
We are all human, and we all have flaws.
No one is ugly. We are all beautiful in different ways everyone holds their own unique beauty. The saddest part about it is that they usually can not see the beauty for themselves.

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