Moth to a flame

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"She was drawn to him like a moth to a flame, unable to resist the allure of his presence."

We pulled over near the salon.
"I won't take long," I told Simon.

"Ok," he said as he waited in the car.
I was excited about my big day, so I went inside the salon to get pampered.

Two hours had passed and I was still inside when he opened the door of the salon. All the ladies were in shock to see him.

"Fucking Hell!. He muttered as he was caught by the ladies looking at him.

I was paying the bill and was just about to exit when I ran to him.
"Simon, please not here," I told him, urging him to go outside.

"Calm down, he's just my boyfriend," I announced, taking my credit card back and finishing up.

"What took you so long, Nora?" Simon asked, his voice tinged with frustration, muffled by the balaclava he was wearing.

"You know how it is with ladies' things. We take our time," I replied, trying to keep my tone light and cheerful.

He sighed. "Where are we going now?"

"To the mall," I said with a smile, hoping to lift his spirits. "I have a few more errands to run, and then we can grab something to eat."

He nodded, and we made our way back to the car, ready to continue our day.

We entered the mall, and almost immediately, the security guards stopped Simon to question him about his tactical vest.

He calmly showed them his special services card. After a moment of scrutiny, they nodded and let him in.

I could see the curiosity in their eyes, but they didn't ask any further questions. We proceeded into the bustling mall.

"I only came here with you because I usually don't go to malls," Simon said, his tone flat.

"At least you came," I replied with a smile.

As we moved from store to store, I told him to wait outside whenever I entered. He seemed uninterested, standing quietly and looking around aimlessly.

Eventually, I stopped by a shop that had men's clothes and pulled him in. "Hey Simon! Let's check it out. Come inside, please," I requested.

He didn't say anything and followed me inside. The shop was filled with men's clothes of various styles and colors.

"What colors do you wear?" I asked, looking through the racks.

"Black, grey, etc. But why do you ask?" he responded, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

Without hesitating, I started pulling out black, grey, hoodies and sweatpants, handing them over to him. I knew his size so well.

"What are you doing? I already have many," Simon said, trying to put them back on the rack.

"Don't worry. I'll keep them here for you so whenever you visit, you won't have to bring so many clothes along," I insisted.

"Please don't do this," he requested, his voice softening.

"SSh!" I hushed him, determined to make things easier for him.

"If you're not complying, go sit outside. Let me get what I want," I said firmly, sending him out of the shop.

Once he was gone, I started picking out colors I wanted to see him wearing and bought as many clothes as I liked. It was fun imagining him in different outfits.

When I finally emerged with several bags in hand, he facepalmed. "What have you bought? So many bags."

I handed the bags to him and made my way to the perfume shop. He remained silent, watching me with a resigned look as I continued my shopping spree.

Sinful Desire - Simon "Ghost" Riley as Billionair's BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now