Tug of war

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"The worst part of holding memories is not the pain. It's the lonliness of it. Memories need to be shared."

●▪○~Lois Lowry~○▪●

The night was thick with tension as the minutes stretched into hours. The base of the Fuerzas Especiales was spacious, a labyrinth of activity and anticipation. Vaqueros soldiers moved about with purpose, their faces set with determination and concern. They too waited, although perhaps not with the same gnawing worry that clenched at Nora's heart.

Ghost had gone with Alejandro and Soap to stop the missile directed toward Washington, D.C. The gravity of their mission weighed heavily on Nora's mind. She had stayed behind, praying for his safety, every moment a test of patience and faith.

Captain Price and Gaz had ventured out earlier, their own plans demanding their attention. Their absence left Nora feeling even more isolated, a lone figure amidst the bustling base. She slipped into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, seeking a semblance of comfort in the casual attire. It did little to ease the tension coursing through her, but at least she felt more at ease in her own skin.

Nora wandered the base aimlessly, the sterile, muted colors of the walls contrasting sharply with the vibrant urgency of the situation. The vaqueros soldiers nodded respectfully as she passed, their eyes a mix of curiosity and camaraderie. She knew they too were bound by the invisible thread of shared duty and concern.

The hours ticked by, each one seeming longer than the last. Nora found herself standing by a window, looking out into the night. The stars were faint pinpricks in the sky, indifferent to the turmoil below. She closed her eyes, sending another silent prayer into the void, hoping it would find its way to Ghost and the others.

Every sound seemed amplified in the stillness of the night. The distant hum of machinery, the soft murmur of voices, the occasional clang of metal.

She imagined Ghost, Alejandro, and Soap out there, facing untold dangers, their lives hanging in the balance. The thought was almost too much to bear, but she forced herself to stay calm, to trust in their skills and determination.

Time dragged on, and Nora felt the weight of exhaustion pulling at her. But sleep was an elusive companion, slipping away every time she closed her eyes. Instead, she paced the corridors, her thoughts a whirlwind of worry and hope.

The stillness was abruptly shattered by the sound of raised voices outside.

In the dim light, she saw Phillip Graves had stopped Alejandro's vehicles at the gate. The two men were in a heated argument, their voices cutting through the night like knives. Soap and Ghost exchanged tense glances, clearly aware of the volatile situation.

"Are you threatening us?" Ghost's voice was low and dangerous as he stepped closer to Graves.

"I don't make threats, soldier. I make guarantees. So let's not do this," Graves replied, his tone equally menacing.

Nora stood by the gate, gripping the cold metal as she watched the confrontation unfold. The tension was palpable, hanging in the air like a storm cloud ready to burst.

"Who do you think you are, cabrón? My men are inside," Alejandro spat, his voice laced with fury.

"I'm afraid your men have been detained," Graves said with a cold, hard edge.

"Nora is inside, Graves," Ghost interjected, his voice sharp with protective intensity.

"I'll take care of her," Graves replied, a sinister promise in his tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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