Chapter 8: "Fenn, the land of swords"

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Dinsmark, Belka. 1000hrs. September 2nd, 1639.

It has only been two days since the victory against Louria and the morale of the nation has never been higher.

Within the Chancellor's office, Chancellor Eva Stein sat on her desk as she listened to the latest information regarding the reconstruction of Louria.

"The Lourian populace has mixed views on our relief program. However despite their mixed opinions, it's clear that most of them are accepting of the changes."

"Louria would also fall as a new province of our nation, it will be renamed as Neu Hoffnung."

"The modernization plan we have in place would bring them the same commodities we've already shared with Kua Toine and Quila with the addition of a foward operation base we would use and the modernization prpject is set to be completed by mid to late October."

Eva nods as all the reports were given to her.

"That's great news, Our entry into this new world is nothing short of chaotic, and I'm glad the people of our nation are backing our every move."

Eva smiles as she looks out of her office's window.

"Alright, we still have a busy day ahead of us. You are all dismissed"

One by one the officers of Belkan high command would exit her office, and shortly after they left, an agent of the Belkan Information Bureau and a General of the Belkan Air Corp would enter.

Eva narrows her eyes as she knows why they're here.

"So I'm guessing those leads are true?"

The two nod.

The agent would answer "Yes ma'am, it seems like they just hid under our noses for the longest of times."

As the General would add, "Once we get in contact with them we will give them your offer."

Hearing this Eva would smile, "I do hope they would accept our offer. And if they do accept, please escort them to Gründer's Hangar 95"

"Yes ma'am" The General would reply before he and the intelligence agent would depart to their next agenda.

Eva would smile as she glances at the two folders on her desk, then out her office window.

"But for now, it's time to address this festival invitation."

. . .

Esthirant, Parpaldian Empire. Foreign Affairs department. September 1st, 1639

"T-these demands are...I cannot adhere to these demands"

The Fennese King couldn't help but show defeat in his voice from the demands.

The demands were just preposterous, for the exchange of measly technologies, the Kingdom of Fenn would basically become a vassal of the Parpaldian empire for 498 years.

On the other side of the negotiation table was the head of the Foreign Affairs 3rd Department, Kyeos.

A humble man around his mid to late 40s who wears a traditional Parpaldian diplomatic coatee. And he sports a long recognizable moustache on his face.

"I understand what you mean, Lord Shihan, but please understand we're just following our Emperor's orders, we can't do anything about it. The Foreign Affairs department's hands are tied."

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