Chapter 2: "Lands Unknown"

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Principality of Kua Toine. 0800hrs. 24 January, 1636

Principality of Kua Toine, 6th dragon division

The skies above Kua Toine were clear and these skies are safeguarded by the brave men who are the wyvern riders of the Kua Toinian Principality. Wyverns are flying dragons that are specialized for riding and combat.

As of now this flight of wyverns are led by wyvern rider Marl Patima and they're on patrol in the northeastern region of the principality. Everyone in the country knows that to the east is nothing but ocean, foolish adventurers who ventured out there were never heard from ever again.

Due to the recent tensions with their neighboring countries, these patrols became necessary, especially for any surprise attacks from enemy warships.


Their thoughts were shaken up by a loud howl from a distance, Patima squints his eyes and sees something in the distance and it's closing fast.

“What even is that?!”

“I don't know what that is but we have to intercept it!”

They gave chase to the unknown flying object, it was nothing friendly nor a wyvern, it was shaped like an elongated egg and its wings, the wings weren't flapping.

“How is it flying. . . It's not even flapping”

Patima shakes his head to clear his thoughts as he shoots off a transmission to their headquarters.

“This is wyvern rider Marl Patima, we have encountered an unknown flying object, proceeding to intercept!”

The two riders pushed their wyverns to its limits but no matter how hard they pushed their partners they couldn't keep up with the flying object.


Headquarters after receiving the report, went into an absolutely furious frenzy due to their disbelief. It was unbelievable, something that could outspeed a wyvern and it is heading straight in the direction of Myhark, which is the economic center of Qua Toine. If Myhark was ever attacked, the military's name and reputation would be tarnished and judging by the speed, it would enter Myhark any moment now. Orders were swiftly relayed over the Magicomms.

“HQ to all wyverns of the 6th Wyvern squadron, an unidentified flying object has entered into Myhark's airspace! Shoot it out of the sky! I repeat, shoot it out of the sky!”

In a nearby wyvern base, wyverns crowded the runway, a total of 12 wyverns and their riders geared up for an immediate sortie. The wyverns picked up speed and took to the clear blue skies.

In the nick of time and luck, the entirety of the 6th Wyvern squadron were now directly infront of the unknown flying object and they could finally confront it. From the earlier reports, it is confirmed that their opponent possess great flight speed. If these reports are true and if the object does really fly that fast, they only have a very small window of opportunity to take it down. The 12 riders formed up in a line abreast formation with their wyverns' mouths gaping open. The simultaneous blast from 12 wyverns is enough to make sure that no opposing wyvern would survive such an attack.

In the mouths of the wyverns, balls of fire took form and aimed for the unidentified object.


Captain Inne, the leader of Myhark's defensive order barked out, as all 12 wyverns spat their fireballs at the flying object. But to their dismay it rolled over to the left and avoided the fireballs with ease, they tried to give chase but it soon became futile. Because they already reached 4000 meters, the maximum altitude their wyverns can go, but for the object? It kept on climbing and accelerating away, leaving the riders of the 6th wyverns squadron in disbelief.

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