Sense of Justice

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"Can I join you?"

Green irises looked up and Izuku found himself staring into not one, but two pairs of expectant eyes. The sight slightly unsettled his nerves, but the greenette ignored the sensation to process the question.

"It looks like you all were having fun," the boy standing in front of him added when Izuku didn't reply immediately.

Green eyes immediately darted over towards the head with spiky blonde hair. Kacchan was juggling a ball with his feet. Keepy ups, his friend had called it. And the boy was making it look so easy.

Izuku spared a glance at the boy once more with a smile on his face. There's nothing wrong with having one more friend joining the fun. "Sure," he felt his chest warm upon seeing the expression on the boy's face lighting up at the answer . He grabbed the boy by the arm. "Come with me!"

"Oh, look," Tsubasa sneered as Izuku neared the group. "Look's like Deku brought another weirdo along."

"Yeah," Furuya joined in. "What is it this time? Scaly Four Eyes?"

Izuku tried to push down the stinging sensation at the nicknames and even the mean teasing and instead turned to his best friend. "Kacchan!" Red eyes darted over upon being called. "This is..." Izuku paused upon realizing a small issue, he turned towards the boy. "What's your name?"

"It's Pigm– I mean Igaru. My name's Igaru." Igaru's eyes darted around, one hand playing with the long sleeve before bowing towards. "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Izuku missed the way Kacchan's eyes narrowed at the near slip. "Igaru, huh?" He repeated as he began spinning the ball on his finger. "Well, I know a game that you would fit in perfectly: 'Heroes versus Monsters'."

"I get to be the hero?"

"Of course not, we already have our hero and sidekicks," Katsuki pointed to himself with a scoff. "You're the monster."

"But I'm not a monster!" Igaru protested. "I'm an a– I'm not a monster."

"It's ok. It's just a game. We're all playing for fun, that's all."

Despite Izuku's attempt at placating the newcomer, Igaru still looked slightly downcast though he eventually nodded.

"Alright!" Katsuki announced. "Four-eyes' the monster. Deku's gonna be the civilian. The rest of us are gonna be the heroes."

And just like that, Izuku found himself standing alone underneath the large tree as everyone else scattered around. Again, he's left to play the person who needs saving.

Just as he spotted a snail crawling up the trunk, Igaru appeared from the bush with hands outstretched. He tried for a roar, though it sounded more like a kitten meowing. "Humans of Earth, I'm here to attack! Run away before I eat you!"

Izuku, already familiar with the part he plays, feigned a gasp as he turned and ran. "Oh no! It's a monster! Help!" The smile of his face widened despite the rather ominous sounding words.

The two of them ran circles around the playground, laughter in the air as they played what was essentially a game of chase.

A loud confident laugh pierces the air. "Bakugo Agency is here!" Izuku turns to see Katsuki announce his presence on top of the slide, with Tsubasa and Furuya standing a few steps lower. Katsuki points at Igaru. "Let's bring this monster down!"

Izuku punched the air as he cheered watching the trio run towards Igaru, but his arm froze mid punch when he caught sight of the look on Igaru's face. A look that he had only seen on TV several times, but deep down he knew it all the same.

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