Prepared for the Exam. Or Not?

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The second part here's heavily inspired by Darkfire's Viridescent, and Imma be honest I have no intentions in copying their work.

The doors whirred open and both Tsukauchi and Sansa entered the coroner's office. "Talk to me, Dr Kawaya."

"Well, every victim's cause of death was the same," Dr Kawaya remarked, his fingers tapping away at the keyboard as he completed his report. "Asphyxiation. Compression asphyxia, to be more precise."

"They were crushed to their deaths." Tsukauchi translated.

Kawaya hummed in acknowledgement. "Indeed. But that's not all." He forwent his typing to begin tapping with his mouse. Several images popped on screen. Tsukauchi furrowed his eyebrows as he studied the images of different upper arms.

"They all have the same bruise marks."

"Signs of struggle," Kawaya surmised. "But the bruise patterns indicate that our victims were bound to a kind of contraption meant to keep them in place as their guts were emptied."

Sansa perked up at that. "So, your theory was correct."

"Unfortunately." Kawaya nodded grimly. "I've completed my dissections for every victim. Every time, not a single organ was found. The stretching on their pharynx and whatever's leftover of their esophagus confirm that a large tube was shoved down their throat to extract the organs. Stomach, kidney, lung. You name it."

"So," Tsukauchi pinched the bridge of his nose, "either an organ trafficker with a complex machine, or a cannibal with a dangerous quirk. Anything else that we can work with?"

The coroner shrugged. "Well, I sent liquid samples from the victims throat to forensics. Maybe they can find something–"

"Don't bother, I would honestly be surprised if a match pops up in their database." A new voice interrupted. The trio turned towards the door to see a tall, lanky bespectacled man march into Dr Kawaya's office.

"This is still a police case, Moroboshi," Tsukauchi was tempted to not hold back the sigh that he wanted to exhale. The man - Moroboshi - pushed his glasses upwards, and Tsukauchi already knew the reply that was to follow.

"Not anymore, it's not," Moroboshi rebuked, "Your chief has been briefed on the matter. We appreciate your cooperation in handing over the case details to the SSSP."

Tsukauchi's lips formed a pensive thin line, but he nodded nonetheless. "Dr, kindly email all your reports and findings related to this case to the Agent here," the inspector addressed Kawaya before turning over to Moroboshi. "Anything you can fill me in about this one?"

"Nothing that you're unfamiliar with. You'll be called in if your assistance is needed," Moroboshi had already turned around to leave. "Until then, stay out of my way."

The door whirred to a close, and Sansa scoffed next to Tsukauchi. "Ass."

Tsukauchi couldn't agree more.

Ten Months Later...

Izuku stopped in front of the UA entrance, allowing himself the time to admire the iconic arch that was the gate to the school and the large glass building shaped like the Roman alphabet H.

"So, you actually made it, eh?" Came the smug voice of Bakugo. Midoriya whirled around and saw that his only friend was staring at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Good morning, Kacchan," Midoriya greeted with a small smile. "And, yeah. I wasn't planning to go back on my word."

"Well, it's about time, damnit." Bakugo clicked his tongue. "You can't be a pussy just 'cause everyone else's scared of what you did ten years ago. And it's over a goddamned foot for fuck's sake."

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