More Questions than Answers

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"Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen." Tsukauchi counted, and he double-checked the name list he was given. "Well, other than the boy on the way to the hospital, everyone else seems unharmed." He turned around, watching Sansa assist in rounding up the long lines of arrested villains to board the police buses parked just outside the USJ.

The last of the villains boarded the sixth coach, and he turned to the nearest sergeant. "Okay, we should get the kids back to their classroom. It's not like we're questioning them immediately, right?"

"Um, Mr Detective, sir," Tsukauchi turned to see a pink-skinned girl approach him, concern etched on her face. "Will our teachers be okay?"

"Oh, Eraserhead and Thirteen," he fished his notebook from his pocket. "The doctors said that Eraserhead's had comminuted fractures in his left arm and orbital floor. His quirk might be affected in some way. Fortunately, there's no serious brain damage."

"As for Thirteen, she has laceration from her neck to her lower back. Her vitals are stable, though."

A girl with chestnut hair ran up to him. "What about Dek– I mean Midoriya, sir?"

"Indeed, is Midoriya's condition stable as well?" a bespectacled boy with blue hair in white armor resembling Hosu's Turbo Hero: Ingenium joined the girl by her side.

"Mido– oh," Tsukauchi's eyebrows relaxed as a wave of recognition at the name washed over him. He ignored the comical fashion in which the mini-Ingenium was chopping the air with his arms. "The boy is still unconscious," some of the students looked crestfallen at the news. "But his injuries are being treated by Recovery Girl at her office."

That brought the smiles of relief back on the teens' faces. The smiles may not reach their eyes, but Tsukauchi took it as a win nonetheless. "Alright, let's get you kids back to class."

Ojiro felt a hand on his shoulder as he walked towards the school bus. He turned to see a pair of floating gloves. "Ojiro, I heard you fought off the Warping villain," Hagakure, his classmate with an Invisibility Quirk, said.

The boy began to smile sheepishly. "I mean, I just kicked Iida out of the way before the villain could get to him. What about you, Hagakure? Where were you?"

"I was at the Landslide Zone, with Todoroki," she pointed a glove at the two-colour-haired boy. "He took out all the villains on his own. He's so strong."

Todoroki couldn't help but eavesdrop. I didn't even notice her there. What if I accidentally froze her too...

"I refused to allow those trash faces to take me alive!"

Kirishima raised an eyebrow when they noted the feral look on Mineta's face. They turned to Tokoyami. "What happened? Weren't you guys dropped at the Downpour Zone?"

"... Mineta was having a... meltdown when we encountered the first wave of villains," Tokoyami explained briefly. "It took Dark Shadow bringing the abyss to him that when he looked back–" A black bird-like apparition appeared from beneath Tokoyami's cloak, looking smug while giving a thumbs-up. "–he didn't blink."

The phrasing confused the hell out of the redhead, but took it in stride nonetheless. What he wasn't told, however, was that Mineta had at one point used a sticky sphere to pummel a petrified villain with ferocious tenacity. Shoji and Sato walked up to the trio.

"Kirishima, you were at the central plaza, weren't you?" Shoji asked. Seeing Kirishima's nod, the masked boy continued. "Did you happen to see a pillar of light?"

Red eyes widened. "You guys saw that?"

"Yeah man," Sato answered. "How could you miss it when it was so bright?"

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