Aizawa's Assessment

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As you prolly noticed by now, Izuku doesn't have One For All. He's not as powerless as he was at the start of the series.

"Did you pack your tissues?"


"What about your handkerchief?"

"In my pocket, as usual!"

"What about your–"

"Mom!" Izuku half-whined, half-laughed in exasperation at his mom's antics as he tied his shoes. "At this rate I might as well bring the whole bathroom to school." He lifted his watch. "Shoot! I'm gonna be late!" He shot upright and bolted for the door.

"Izuku! Wait!"

He stopped himself, leaving the door half-opened as he turned around to look at his mom impatiently. "What?"

Soft teary green eyes greeted him as Inko gave her son a smile, and Izuku felt bad for the tone he used with her. "You're really cool."

Izuku's cheeks flushed, unsure how to respond to the compliment. He gathered himself and returned the smile with a warm grin of his own. "Thanks, mom! I'm off!"


"Class 1-A... 1-A... Where is it? This place is too big." Midoriya grumbled to himself as he tried to navigate his way to his class. The one time he visited UA prior was during the Entrance Exam, and even then he had just caught a small glimpse at the size of the hallways. Probably for accessibility.

Green eyes landed on the brown sign at the top corner of a door and saw '1-A' painted in white. "There it is!" He ran up towards the class as fast as he could, and he was forced to crane his neck back to look at the large red 1-A painted on the extremely large door.

Yep, definitely built for accessibility.

His hand reached for the door knob, sliding it open when a thought occurred to him.

I hope I don't get grouped with the scary person.

There were already a number of students in the class, most of them sitting at their desks and chatting idly with each other. Green eyes scanned the room for for his designated seat and quickly made his way towards the desk just right behind–

"Tch, I almost thought you chickened out," Bakugo scoffed.

"Good morning to you too, Kacchan," Midoriya tried to smile. It came off looking like a grimace.

Another huff. Bakugo leaned backwards and placed a foot on the desk. He turned to face Midoriya with a crooked smile. "That makes it what – 705 wins for me and 699 losses."

Someone next to Midoriya blanched, but the greenette ignored that in favour of correcting his friend. "Actually, I have 700 wins. You're not purposely forgetting our first match, aren't you?"

The glare Bakugo sent Midoriya would have scared anyone. The blonde clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Of course, I'm not. Should I also include our scrims as wel–"

"Put your foot down at once!"

Midoriya sweatdropped at the interruption. He recognized that voice. Talk about bad luck. Sure, he knew that he would be classmates with Bakugo, the two of them pretty much confirmed that the moment they received their class placements. But to be in the same class with Mr 'Four-Eyes'... at this point the greenette was certain the gods hated him.

Bakugo, on the other hand, had turned around to face Four-Eyes, his smile back on his face and more sardonic than ever. "Huh?"

"Don't you think that's rude to the UA upperclassmen and the people who made the desk?" The stern-looking boy was practically chopping the air with his arms at this point. It reminded Midoriya of Karate chops for some reason.

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