Combat Training's Gonna Be Electrifying

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Hope you guys enjoy this chapter

As they had predicted the day before, regular classes in the morning were nothing short of... boring. Midoriya noticed that Bakugo had closed his eyes in the middle of English class and somehow dodged from being called out by Present Mic. Not that he would be bothered. Knowing Bakugo, the spiky blonde had probably prepared himself at least half a term in advance.

Lunch time was less boring, with Midoriya practically geeking out over the fact that lunch was prepared by the Cook Hero: Lunch Rush.

After lunch, well, that was what everyone was looking forward to. Especially when...

"I AM–"

Every student of 1-A whipped their heads towards the door, excited smiles on their faces as they recognized the iconic voice.


All Might bursted into the class, his arms clinging on the door frame as he leant forward as if he was in a dramatic romance musical. His entrance drew awestruck reactions from 1-A.

"It really is All Might! He really is a teacher here!"

"That's his Silver Age costume!"

"Its style is so different, I'm getting goosebumps!"

All Might, who had waltzed up to the teacher's podium while the students murmured excitedly with each other, placed each hand by the hips and puffed his chest, making himself appear bigger than his already overwhelmingly muscular stature.

"I'll be your teacher for hero basics training!" He announced, his iconic enthusiasm never once skipping a beat. "It's a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. This subject carries the most credit for you."

Midoriya felt his heart beat in his chest. The Number One Hero in Japan – no, the fricking world – is in UA, training them in Hero work.

The Number One Hero.

The Symbol of Peace.

All Might.

At this rate he would be lying if he wasn't geeking – freaking inwards at this point.

"Alright let's get right into it! Today we'll be conducting Combat Training!" All Might pulled out a card and showed it to the class. The word 'BATTLE' was printed in bold red. He then pointed to the left wall of the class. "And you'll be needing these!"

As if on cue, several sections in the wall slid out, revealing numbered cases arranged neatly in each of them.

"Inside these cases are your costumes made based on your Quirk registration and requests you sent in before school started." All Might explained. He turned towards the exit. "Once you've changed, gather in Ground Beta!" to a chorus of "Yes, Sir!"


Midoriya felt his gauntlet tighten with a final click. His hero costume mainly consisted of black and grey armor that protected his entire body, save for a glowing emerald light located in the center of his chestplate. The armor plates covering his body are angular and segmented. He tried moving his fingers and arms, and was slightly surprised by how much maneuverability he was allowed for a suit of armor.

It was from the suitcase his mother handed to him the day of the Sludge Villain incident. It was what his dad said to give him when he was ready. As confusing as it was that his dad somehow knew he wanted to be a hero, and had the exact armor built to his exact measurements as a teen, Midoriya had a sense of deja vu when he saw the meteor-shaped emblem imprinted just underneath his collar.

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