Iida Becomes the Exit Sign

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"Hey, you! How are All Might's classes?!"

Midoriya's body was as still as stone as the microphone was shoved right under his nose. If that wasn't overwhelming enough, the cacophony of clicking and whirring of cameras along with the flashing lights that threatened to blind him definitely tipped the scales. His lips trembled, unsure how to reply to the question to the lady who was looking at him expectantly.

"Um... Ex– Excuse– excuse me... I think I heard my teacher calling for me."

"Huh? But there's no one calli– HEY!"

Midoriya whirled around and sprinted into the school compound quickly as his wobbly legs could. He dashed into his classroom and towards his seat in a blink of an eye before letting out a breath that he didn't even realize he was holding.

That was close. He lamented. The reporters are gonna think that I'm so lame... Oh, mom's gonna see me in the ne–

Midoriya yelped as the doors to his class slammed open, and his head whirled towards the entrance to see Bakugo entering with a grouchy expression.

"Fucking mob," the spiky blonde grumbled. "You tell them to 'fuck off' and they complain like you stole their fucking meat in their sandwich."

"You're just pissed they recognized you as the 'kid who got caught by the sludge villain'." Kaminari let out a chuckle. "By the way, I didn't know you were the – ARGH!" He was promptly interrupted by an explosion directed at his face.

"Bakugo! You will cease your physical assault on Kaminari at once!" Iida chided as "Violence towards classmates is unbecoming of a student of UA's prestige!"

"Fuck off, Four Eyes!" Bakugo growled at the admonishment. "It's not like I dropped a fucking nuke!"

"You're too loud," the boy with the head of a black bird chastised.

Iida turned his attention towards him and began chopping the air with his arms once more. "Tokoyami! That desk is not a chair! Get off immediately!"

"It's not that big a deal, is it?"

"What's with those arms, anyway?"

Midoriya couldn't help but sweatdrop as he watched Iida's unwavering attempt to explain the 'importance of respecting desks that have been used by the great men and women that are 1'A's upperclassmen'.

"The press were noisy enough," Aizawa commented lazily as he entered the classroom. That prompted the students to quickly return to their seats as their teacher flipped through a stack of paper. "Good work on yesterday's combat training. I saw the video and the result." He remarked, sounding more awake than earlier. Black eyes darted towards Kaminari. "Kaminari, you have power, but it's useless if you're unable to utilize it properly."

"... Yes, sir." Kaminari sank into his seat. He had purposely reduced his output during the battle training, but like Yaoyorozu mentioned, it was a ridiculously risky move.

Aizawa placed the papers down. "Alright, let's get to homeroom business. Sorry for the late notice, but for today, I'll have you..."

Their homeroom teacher paused, and all twenty teens in the class tensed on the spot, wondering if they'll be thrown into the mercy of another special test.

"... decide on a class representative."

Or they could just carry out an actual normal class activity. Who knew?

And just like that, at least half the class had gotten up and began talking over each other like they were at a wet market bargaining for a cheaper price. Not that Midoriya could blame them. Had they been in a normal class, being a representative pretty much meant daily duties that most would not want. But in the hero course, it's a role that allows one to practice being a top hero by leading a group. Oh well. No harm in trying, I guess. The greenette raised his hand slowly, his mind whirling with reasons that he should be elected that does not include stupid declarations like Mineta's 'girl's skirts being 30 cm from the knee' or aggressively simple reasoning like Bakugo's 'Just let me do it! Me!'.

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